Produkčné budovy Veľvyslanectiev

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Prehľad budov Veľvyslanectiev
Senate PortalGR11.png


Gr11 DE.png

Veľvyslanectvo trpaslíkov

Gr11 FE.png

Veľvyslanectvo víl

Gr11 BF.png

Pivný festival

Gr11 TH.png


Gr11 MC.png

Meditačný kruh

Produkcia Veľvyslanectiev

V snahe vyriešiť spor medzi trpaslíkmi a vílami v krajine Unur postavte ich veľvyslanectvá: Veľvyslanectvo trpaslíkov a Veľvyslanectvo Víl! Na svojich veľvyslanectvách budú predkladať návrhy, v ktorých uvedú stanoviská každej rasy a svoje návrhy týkajúce sa Unuru.Tieto návrhy budú prezentované v Senát!

Trpaslíci a víly si medzi sebou navzájom vymieňajú zvyky a prinášajú so sebou najznámejšie kultúrne značky: Pivný festival a Čajovňu! Použitím výrobkov druhej strany získajú tak obe rasy lepšie porozumenie hodnotám a obavám druhej strany.

V Meditačnom kruhu, Trpaslíci aj Víly získajú inšpirácie, ako vyriešiť svoje nezhody spôsobom, ktorý im bude obom vyhovovať.!

Veľvyslanectvo trpaslíkov


Trpasličie veľvyslanectvo je miesto, kde trpaslíci predkladajú svoje Trpasličie návrhy Gr11 dwarvenpropositions.png. Na tento účel budú vždy potrebovať Draft Laws. Odomknutím vylepšených technológií tejto budovy uvidíte, že Trpaslíci môžu využívať Jahodové pivo, Fialový čaj a Inšpirácie aby ich doručili rôznym tempom a s rôznymi výrobnými bonusmi.

Môžete postaviť len jedno Veľvyslanectvo trpaslíkov. Musí byť napojené na Senát.

Prehľad Veľvyslanectva trpaslíkov

Veľvyslanectvo trpaslíkov
Level Požiadavky Náklady Výhody (Klasický produkčný level)
Level Veľkosť Čas výstavby Mramor Mesačný kameň Platina Trpasličie návrhy /3h Trpasličie návrhy /7h Trpasličie návrhy /9h Trpasličie návrhy /3h
1 10x6 15:00 h 60000 18000 9000 75 - - -
2 10x6 18:00 h 96000 29000 15000 110 170 - -
3 10x6 21:00 h 156T 47000 24000 150 230 260 -
4 10x6 24:00h 168T 51000 25000 190 290 325 190

Úrovne budovy

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr11 Production1 1.png
Gr11 Production1 2.png
Gr11 Production1 3.png
Gr11 Production1 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.

Fairy Embassy


Fairy Embassy is the place where Fairies gather to elaborate Fairy Propositions Gr11 fairypropositions.png.

For that purpose they will always need Draft Laws. By unlocking improved technologies for this building, you will see that Fairies can use Purple Tea, Strawberry Beer and Inspirations to deliver them at a different pace and with different production bonuses.

You can only build one Fairy Embassy. It needs to be connected to the Senate.

Fairy Embassy Overview

Fairies Embassy
Level Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Level Size Construction Time Planks Elven Tree Gum Velvet Scrolls Arcane Ink Fairy Propositions/3h Fairy Propositions/7h Fairy Propositions/9h Fairy Propositions/3h
1 6x10 15:00 h 60000 18000 8000 - - 75 - - -
2 6x10 18:00 h - - 13000 73000 26000 110 170 - -
3 6x10 21:00 h - - 21000 118k 42000 150 230 260 -
4 6x10 24:00h - - 23000 127k 45000 190 290 325 190

Building Levels

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr11 Production2 1.png
Gr11 Production2 2.png
Gr11 Production2 3.png
Gr11 Production2 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.

Beer Festival


We all know Dwarves love their Beer, so its not strange that their return brings the one they love the most with them: Strawberry Beer Strawberry Beer! Orcs will be the workforce to produce this Dwarven delight, but you will need to further your research into the Dwarven Embassy to take Beer Festival to its maximum production level.

The Beer Festival needs a direct connection to Dwarven Embassy or another Beer Festival, but it has no construction limits.

Beer Festival Overview

Beer Festival
Level Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Level Size Construction Time Supplies Planks Orcs Strawberry Beer/3h Strawberry Beer/7h Strawberry Beer/21h
1 3x6 3:00h 72000 65000 2500 50 - -
2 3x6 6:00h 144k 13000 5000 75 115 -
3 3x6 2:00h 43000 4000 1500 100 155 235
4 3x6 2:00h 29000 2500 1000 125 195 295

Building Levels

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr11 Production3 1.png
Gr11 Production3 2.png
Gr11 Production3 3.png
Gr11 Production3 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.

Tea House


Fairies have always been more elegant than Dwarves and that is also reflected on their drinking habits. Tea is more suitable than beer, they say!

The Tea House is the place where Fairies produce their most exquisite tea: the Purple Tea Purple Tea! This Fairy nectar will require Mana to produce and you will need to further your research into the Fairy Embassy to upgrade and get the most efficient production from it.

It needs a direct connection to Fairy Embassy or another Tea House, but it has no construction limits.

Tea House Overview

Tea House
Level Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Level Size Construction Time Planks Elixir Mana Purple Tea/3h Purple Tea/7h Purple Tea/21h
1 6x3 3:00h 6500 3500 19000 50 - -
2 6x3 6:00h 13000 7000 38000 75 115 -
3 6x3 2:00h 4000 2000 11000 100 155 235
4 6x3 2:00h 2500 1500 7500 125 195 295

Building Levels

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr11 Production4 1.png
Gr11 Production4 2.png
Gr11 Production4 3.png
Gr11 Production4 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.

Meditation Circle


The saying "two heads are better than one" was probably a result of a meditation session is this Meditation Circle!

At this peaceful place, Dwarves and Fairies meditate together to get inspired! Using the result of these Inspirations Inspirations, Dwarves and Fairies can produce more Propositions in a shorter amount of time!

The further you research this building's technologies, the more Inspirations it will bring for Dwarves and Fairies over its 9 hour production. Early collections for Inspirations are possible after 3 hours.

Meditation Circles can be built as many times as you want, but each Meditation Circle needs to be connected to the Senate or another Meditation Circle.

Meditation Circle Overview

Meditation Circle
Level Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Level Size Construction Time Magic Dust Velvet Cosmic Bismuth Inspirations/9h
1 4x4 3:00h 2500 1350 2500 54
2 4x4 6:00h 5000 2700 5000 81
3 4x4 2:00h 1500 800 1500 108
4 4x4 2:00h 1000 500 1000 135

Building Levels

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr11 Production5 1.png
Gr11 Production5 2.png
Gr11 Production5 3.png
Gr11 Production5 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.