Šablóna:Ancient Wonders Upgrade

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Verzia z 18:14, 14. február 2024, ktorú vytvoril Kiwa (diskusia | príspevky) (Vytvorená stránka „To upgrade an Ancient Wonder you need the following resources: *25px '''Knowledge Points''' - These are used to research each level of the Ancient Wonder, each level requires an increasing amount of Knowledge Points, the higher the level the greater the investment required. *25px '''Spell Fragments''' - These are used to upgrade the majority of the Ancient Wonder's levels, the higher the level the greater the amount…“)
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To upgrade an Ancient Wonder you need the following resources:

  • Kpicon.png Knowledge Points - These are used to research each level of the Ancient Wonder, each level requires an increasing amount of Knowledge Points, the higher the level the greater the investment required.
  • Spell Fragment.png Spell Fragments - These are used to upgrade the majority of the Ancient Wonder's levels, the higher the level the greater the amount required.
  • Combining Catalyst small.png Combining Catalyst - These are also used to upgrade the majority of the Ancient Wonder's levels, the higher the level the greater the amount required.
  • Royal Restoration.png Royal Restoration - These are used to upgrade an Ancient Wonder every 5 levels (in the Rune phase), the higher the level, the greater the amount required. They are also required to build all of the Ancient Wonders, with the exception of the first two Ancient Wonders that you can unlock in the game.

Please Note: Each level of an Ancient Wonder will require Spell Fragments and Combined Catalysts as an upgrade cost, the amount will be 1000 Spell Fragments and 1 Combined Catalyst per level, so if you want to upgrade an Ancient Wonder from level 3 to 4 the cost will be 4000 Spell Fragments plus 4 Combined Catalysts. Each Rune level will cost 5 additional Royal Restorations than the previous Rune level as an upgrade cost, so if you want to upgrade your Ancient Wonder from level 5 to 6 you will also need 10 Royal Restorations.