Support: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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<div style="font-size: 200%"><center>[ >>Contact Support<<]</center></div>
<div style="font-size: 200%"><center>[ >>Contact Support<<]</center></div>

If you have any questions, or problems in the game, contact the Support, and they will answer for your questions, and solve your problems.
If you have any questions, or problems in the game, contact the Support, and they will answer for your questions, and solve your problems.

Verzia z 12:06, 22. október 2014


If you have any questions, or problems in the game, contact the Support, and they will answer for your questions, and solve your problems.

Wiki Support Team

Wiki Moderator
- TyRioN BlacK -

The International (.EN) Support Team

Community Manager
In-Game Community Manager Forum Community Manager
- -
In-Game Moderators Forum Moderators
- TyRioN BlacK - Coolnite7
CrimsonBlue -
Dement0r -
- -

The United States (.US) Support Team

Community Manager
In-Game Community Manager Forum Community Manager
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In-Game Moderators Forum Moderators
- -
- -
- -
- -

The Beta (.beta) Support Team

Community Manager
Checkered Jester
In-Game Community Manager Forum Community Manager
LiamAird -
In-Game Moderators Forum Moderators
- TyRioN BlacK - James
Dement0r Fatal_Error
Slayan Soul Impulse