(12 medziľahlých úprav od 3 ďalších používateľov nie je zobrazených) |
Riadok 3: |
Riadok 3: |
| [[File:Winter_Logo_event_FV.png|center]] | | [[File:Winter_Logo_event_FV.png|center]] |
| |
| '''The Snow Flurry Event has begun!'''
| | Udalosť snehová záplava je tu! |
| |
| This winter, King Snow is visiting your city and he brings frosty mornings, icy ponds and a lot of snow. During the Snow Flurry Event, you will come across many great challenges through a series of quests. You have the chance to obtain great rewards for Snow Flakes and even bigger and unique culture buildings with Winter Globes.
| | V zime do Vašich miest zavíta Kráľ zimy. Čakajú nás mrazivé rána, zamrznuté rybníky a hromada snehu. Behom tohto eventu narazíte na veľké množstvo výziev a za pomoci snehových vločiek budete môcť získať aj nejaké odmeny. Vyhrať môžete aj špeciálne budovy za zimné glóby. |
| |
| While Snow Flakes can be gained by challenging King Snow in his daily and other quests, Winter Globes will be given to you when exchanging Snow Flakes for rewards.
| | Zatiaľ čo snehové vločky získavate od kráľa zimy za plnenie denných a ďalších úloh, zimné glóby naopak za snehové vločky pri ich výmene za odmeny. |
| |
| Besides this, your city environment has already changed into a white winter wonderland which, as soon as the event starts, causes rare Snow Crystals to appear. Collect them from your city environment to get some additional Snow Flakes!
| | Vaše mesto na začiatku udalosti snehovej záplavy dostane zimný nádych a na jeho okrajoch sa budú náhodne objavovať ľadové krištáli, ich zbieraním získate ďalšie snehové vločky. |
| |
| |
| [[File:WBan1.png|center|700px|Snow Flurry Event]] | | [[File:WBan1.png|center|700px|Snow Flurry Event]] |
| |
| ====Event Menu==== | | ====Ponuka udalosti==== |
| During the Snow Flurry event you will get two new and exclusive quest lines. But take notice they will only be available for a short time!
| | Počas udalosti snehovej záplavy získate 2 nové a exkluzívne rady úloh. Pamätajte však, že budú dostupne iba na obmedzenú dobu! |
| |
| The first quest line is the daily Snow Flurry quest which will give you random tasks to complete. The second quest line is the episodic Event quest which will give you a specific task, according to King Snow's wishes. Each quest line will give you Snow Crystals as a reward, that are added to the Snow Flurry's menu.
| | Prvá línia úloh je zložená z denných úloh, ktorá Vám uložia náhodne zadanie k splneniu. Druhá línia úloh je epizodná, tá Vám poskytne konkrétne úlohy, v ktorých sa odvoláva na tajomné knihy. Ako odmenu za splnenie úloh získate snehové vločky, ktoré sa pripočítajú k ponuke snehovej záplavy. |
| |
| |
| [[File:Wintermenu.png|center]] | | [[File:Wintermenu.png|center]] |
| |
| | Kliknutím na ponuku snehovej záplavy sa vám zobrazí okno udalosti, kde získate všetky informácie a budete tu môcť použiť vaše snehové vločky. |
| |
| By clicking the Event Menu you will access the event window which will give you plenty of information and allow you to use your Snow Flakes:
| |
| |
| [[File:SnowFlurryEventWindowExplain.png|center|Explanation image]] | | [[File:SnowFlurryEventWindowExplain.png|center|Explanation image]] |
| |
| |
| 1 - Shows you the amount of Snow Flakes you have collected and not yet spent. | | 1 - Počet získaných snehových vločiek. |
| |
| 2 - Allows you to buy Snow Flakes with premium currency. | | 2 - Toto tlačidlo Vám umožní kúpiť snehové vločky za prémium. |
| |
| 3 - Indicates the remaining time for the event to end. | | 3 - Odpočet konca udalosti. |
| |
| 4 - Shows you the Daily Exclusive reward you can get from opening the Gift Boxes and for how long it will be available before it is gone forever. | | 4 - Tu je zobrazená denná exkluzívna budova, ktorú môžete získať rozbalením darčeka. Pokiaľ vyprší jej čas, nažvdy zmizne. |
| |
| 5 - Here you can see how many Winter Globes you have and how many you still need to unlock the Grand Prizes. | | 5 - Tu vidíte koľko máte zimných glóbov a koľko Vám ich chýba k odomknutiu hlavnej ceny. |
| |
| 6 - Gift Boxes where you can spend your Snow Flakes and get Winter Globes plus a random reward in return. | | 6 - Darčeky, ktoré rozbaľujete za snehové vločky, za čo získate zimné glóby a ďalšie odmeny. |
| |
| | Môžete kedykoľvek kliknúť na tlačidlo nápovedy [[File:Helpbtto.png]] a získať tak bližšie informácie. |
| |
| You can also click the [[File:Helpbtto.png]] button to see the help information on the Snow Flurry Event at any time!
| | ====Snehové vločky==== |
| | |
| ====Snow Flakes==== | |
| [[File:WBan2.png|700px|center]] | | [[File:WBan2.png|700px|center]] |
| |
| | Udalosť snehová záplava začína s 50 snehovými vločkami [[File:20px-SnowFlake.png|20px|(snehové vločky)]], ďalšie môžete získať ako odmenu za splnenie úloh. |
| |
| You start the Snow Flurry Event with 50 Snow Flakes [[File:20px-SnowFlake.png|20px|(Snow Flake image)]] and each event quest will give you more Snow Flakes as a reward for completing the given tasks.
| | Snehové vločky môžete využiť k rozbaleniu darčekov, za ktoré, keď budete mať veľké šťastie, môžete získať naspäť viac snehových vločiek. |
| |
| You can then use the Snow Flakes to open the valuable Gift Boxes which, depending on your luck, can also give you more Snow Flakes to spend.
| | Pamätajte, že udalosť snehová záplava je tu iba na obmedzenú dobu. Akonáhle tento event skončí, nebudete môcť nijako využiť nazbierané snehové vločky a nedostanete za ne žiadnu odmenu. |
| |
| Remember that the Snow Flurry only lasts for a few weeks, and then you will no longer be able to use your Snow Flakes to get awesome treasures, so don't waste time!
| | Raz za čas sa vo vašom meste objaví ľadový krištáľ, vďaka ktorému budete môcť nazbierať snehové vločky po širokom okolí. |
| |
| |
| [[File:Crystal_city.png|center]] | | [[File:Crystal_city.png|center]] |
| |
| ====Gift Boxes==== | | ====Darčeky==== |
| [[File:WBan3.png|center]] | | [[File:WBan3.png|center]] |
| |
| | V darčekoch sú uložené hodnotné odmeny! Môžete získať vedomostné body, úlomky rún, kúzla, snehové vločky a niekedy aj vzácne denné odmeny. Všetko záleží na tom aké máte šťastie! Rozbalením darčekov tiež získate zimné glóby. Pamätajte však, že čím viac snehových vločiek zaplatíte, tým viac získate zimných glóbov. |
| |
| The Gift Boxes hold valuable rewards! You can win Knowledge Points, Rune Shards, Spells, Snow Flakes and even the unique and precious Daily Exclusive Reward. It all depends on how lucky you are!
| | Môžete si vybrať medzi malým darčekom, stredným a veľkým. Každý darček obsahuje podobné odmeny, avšak v inom množstve. Malá rada: veľký darček dáva najväčšiu odmenu! |
| By opening the Gift Boxes you will also get Winter Globes, but remember: the better the Gift Box, the more Winter Globes you get.
| |
| |
| You can choose between the Gift Boxes, each containing similar rewards, but with different winning odds. Some advice: the higher the value of Gift Box, the better the odds!
| | ====Zimné glóby==== |
| | |
| ====Winter Globes==== | |
| [[File:WBan4.png|center]] | | [[File:WBan4.png|center]] |
| | Akonáhle otvoríte darček, získate zimné glóby [[File:20px-WinterGlobe.png|20px]].Máte 3 veľkosti darčekov, ktoré obsahujú určité množstvo zimných glóbov a platí tu: "Čím väčší darček rozbalíte, tým viac glóbov získate!" |
| |
| | | Zimné glóby Vám pomôžu odomknúť hlavné ceny! K dispozícii máte 3 hlavné ceny, k odomknutie tej lepšej budete vždy musieť najskôr získať tú predošlú. |
| When you open a Gift Box, you will win Winter Globes [[File:20px-WinterGlobe.png|20px]]. Each Box will immediately give you a specific amount of Winter Globes. However, the better the Box, the more Globes you will get.
| |
| | |
| Winter Globes will allow you to unlock the Grand Prizes! You have three grand prizes available, each requiring a certain amount of Globes. To unlock the next Grand Prize, you will first need to collect the previous one.
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Riadok 77: |
Riadok 73: |
| |
| |
| After collecting the Grand Prizes, you will find them in your Inventory [[File:Inventory_icon_normal.png|20px]] under the Buildings' tab.
| | Všetky získané budovy nájdete v inventári [[File:Inventory_icon_normal.png|40px]] v záložke '''"zhromaždisko"'''. |
| |
| ==== Rewards==== | | ==== Odmeny==== |
| |
| Each day you will have an unique and precious event building as the Daily Exclusive. It can only be obtained by opening the Gift Boxes and it is only available for a limited time. Once it's gone, it's gone forever!
| | Každý deň budete môcť získať unikátnu eventovú budovu a to iba rozbalením darčekov. Túto odmenu môžete získať iba obmedzenú dobu. Akonáhle skončí udalosť snehovej záplavy, stratíte možnosť tieto jedinečné budovy vlastniť. |
| |
| Be sure to complete the event quests as much as possible so that you can have a chance to win all Daily Exclusives and make your city a real tribute to the Snow Flurry!
| | Snažte sa dokončiť všetky zadané úlohy, potom budete mať veľkú šancu získať niektoré z daných budov. |
| |
| [[File:WErewW.png|center]] | | [[File:WErewW.png|center]] |
| |
| ===Snow Flurry Buildings Overview=== | | ===Prehľad budov snehovej záplavy=== |
| ====Chapter I====
| |
| {| style="text-align: center" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter I - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |Building
| |
| |colspan="2"|Requirements
| |
| |colspan="1"|Descripton
| |
| |colspan="3"|Benefits
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:field_small.png|Size]]
| |
| |[[File:time_small.png|Construction Time]]
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:Culture.png|25px]]
| |
| |[[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
| |
| |[[File:help_small.png|Neighborly Help]]Effect
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Tree Stump Magic.png|60px|Frozen Tree Stump Magic]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery.
| |
| |88
| |
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| |-
| |
| |[[File:Forest Igloo.png|60px|Forest Igloo]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this.
| |
| |84
| |
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| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Shrine.png|60px|Winter Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs.
| |
| |79
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| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Forest Shrine.png|60px|Winter Forest Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime.
| |
| |86
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| | -
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| |-
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| |[[File:Frozen Unicorn.png|60px|Frozen Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes.
| |
| |90
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| | -
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| |-
| |
| |[[File:Candy Cane Unicorn.png|60px|Candy Cane Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes.
| |
| |98
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| | -
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| | -
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| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Deer.png|60px|Winter Deer]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns.
| |
| |83
| |
| | -
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| | -
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| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Lampions.png|60px|Winter Lampions]]
| |
| |4x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring.
| |
| |177
| |
| | -
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| | -
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| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Orange.png|60px|Frozen Flame Orange]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |173
| |
| | -
| |
| |173 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Green.png|60px|Frozen Flame Green]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |150
| |
| | -
| |
| |150 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Blue.png|60px|Frozen Flame Blue]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |165
| |
| | -
| |
| |165 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Purple.png|60px|Frozen Flame Purple]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |180
| |
| | -
| |
| |180 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |150
| |
| | -
| |
| |150 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Frozen Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Frozen Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |165
| |
| | -
| |
| |165 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lazy Snowman.png|60px|Lazy Snowman]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man.
| |
| |250
| |
| | -
| |
| |250 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowball Fight.png|60px|Snowball Fight]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up!
| |
| |260
| |
| | -
| |
| |260 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Frozen Tree.png|60px|Father Frozen Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |410
| |
| | -
| |
| |410 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Tree of Candy Canes.png|60px|Father Tree of Candy Canes]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |210
| |
| |210
| |
| |210 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Glitter Tree.png|60px|Father Glitter Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night.
| |
| |390
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| | -
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| |390 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Lake.png|60px|Frozen Lake]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season.
| |
| |370
| |
| | -
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| |370 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Star.png|60px|Winter Star]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King.
| |
| |240
| |
| |240
| |
| |240 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Pond Habitat.png|60px|Winter Pond Habitat]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery.
| |
| |194
| |
| |194
| |
| |194 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lampion Winter Pond.png|60px|Lampion Winter Pond]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions.
| |
| |370
| |
| | -
| |
| |370 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Igloo Festival.png|60px|Igloo Festival]]
| |
| |3x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside.
| |
| |270
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| |270
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| |270 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowy Charming Tree.png|60px|Snowy Charming Tree]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot.
| |
| |590
| |
| | -
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| |590 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Glacier Garden.png|60px|Glacier Garden]]
| |
| |5x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur.
| |
| |350
| |
| |350
| |
| |350 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snow Flake Mountain.png|80px|Snow Flake Mountain]]
| |
| |4x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Snow Flake Mountain
| |
| |220
| |
| |220
| |
| |220 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Castle Snow Flake.png|80px|Castle Snow Flake]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles.
| |
| |350
| |
| |350
| |
| |350 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Tower of the Winter King.png|80px|Tower of the Winter King]]
| |
| |4x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| | The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be.
| |
| |500
| |
| |500
| |
| |500 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
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| |-
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| |colspan="10" style="font-size:12px;text-align:center;"|Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.
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| |}
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| ====Chapter II====
| |
| {| style="text-align: center" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | | {| style="text-align: center" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter II - Snow Flurry Buildings Information | | !colspan="11"| Informácie o budovách snehovej záplavy |
| |-
| |
| |Building
| |
| |colspan="2"|Requirements
| |
| |colspan="1"|Descripton
| |
| |colspan="3"|Benefits
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:field_small.png|Size]]
| |
| |[[File:time_small.png|Construction Time]]
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:Culture.png|25px]]
| |
| |[[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
| |
| |[[File:help_small.png|Neighborly Help]]Effect
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Tree Stump Magic.png|60px|Frozen Tree Stump Magic]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery.
| |
| |109
| |
| | -
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| | -
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| |-
| |
| |[[File:Forest Igloo.png|60px|Forest Igloo]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this.
| |
| |104
| |
| | -
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| | -
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| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Shrine.png|60px|Winter Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs.
| |
| |98
| |
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| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Forest Shrine.png|60px|Winter Forest Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime.
| |
| |107
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Unicorn.png|60px|Frozen Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes.
| |
| |112
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Candy Cane Unicorn.png|60px|Candy Cane Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes.
| |
| |121
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Deer.png|60px|Winter Deer]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns.
| |
| |102
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Lampions.png|60px|Winter Lampions]]
| |
| |4x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring.
| |
| |220
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Orange.png|60px|Frozen Flame Orange]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |210
| |
| | -
| |
| |210 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Green.png|60px|Frozen Flame Green]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |186
| |
| | -
| |
| |186 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Blue.png|60px|Frozen Flame Blue]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |200
| |
| | -
| |
| |200 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Purple.png|60px|Frozen Flame Purple]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |220
| |
| | -
| |
| |220 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |186
| |
| | -
| |
| |186 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Frozen Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Frozen Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |200
| |
| | -
| |
| |200 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lazy Snowman.png|60px|Lazy Snowman]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man.
| |
| |310
| |
| | -
| |
| |310 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowball Fight.png|60px|Snowball Fight]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up!
| |
| |320
| |
| | -
| |
| |320 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Frozen Tree.png|60px|Father Frozen Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |500
| |
| | -
| |
| |500 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Tree of Candy Canes.png|60px|Father Tree of Candy Canes]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |210
| |
| |210
| |
| |210 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Glitter Tree.png|60px|Father Glitter Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night.
| |
| |480
| |
| | -
| |
| |480 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Lake.png|60px|Frozen Lake]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season.
| |
| |460
| |
| | -
| |
| |460 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Star.png|60px|Winter Star]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King.
| |
| |290
| |
| |290
| |
| |290 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Winter Pond Habitat.png|60px|Winter Pond Habitat]] | | |Budovy |
| |3x3
| | |colspan="2"|Požiadavky |
| |10s
| | |colspan="1"|Popis |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery.
| |
| |194
| |
| |194
| |
| |194 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lampion Winter Pond.png|60px|Lampion Winter Pond]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions.
| |
| |460
| |
| | -
| |
| |460 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Igloo Festival.png|60px|Igloo Festival]]
| |
| |3x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside.
| |
| |330
| |
| |330
| |
| |330 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowy Charming Tree.png|60px|Snowy Charming Tree]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot.
| |
| |730
| |
| | -
| |
| |730 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Glacier Garden.png|60px|Glacier Garden]]
| |
| |5x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur. | |
| |440
| |
| |440
| |
| |440 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snow Flake Mountain.png|80px|Snow Flake Mountain]]
| |
| |4x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Snow Flake Mountain
| |
| |270
| |
| |270
| |
| |270 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Castle Snow Flake.png|80px|Castle Snow Flake]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles.
| |
| |440
| |
| |440
| |
| |440 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Tower of the Winter King.png|80px|Tower of the Winter King]]
| |
| |4x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| | The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be.
| |
| |620
| |
| |620
| |
| |620 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |colspan="10" style="font-size:12px;text-align:center;"|Press on each building picture to see a bigger image. | |
| |} | |
| |
| ====Chapter III====
| |
| {| style="text-align: center" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter III - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |Building
| |
| |colspan="2"|Requirements
| |
| |colspan="1"|Descripton
| |
| |colspan="3"|Benefits
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:field_small.png|Size]]
| |
| |[[File:time_small.png|Construction Time]]
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:Culture.png|25px]]
| |
| |[[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
| |
| |[[File:help_small.png|Neighborly Help]]Effect
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Tree Stump Magic.png|60px|Frozen Tree Stump Magic]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery.
| |
| |144
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Forest Igloo.png|60px|Forest Igloo]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this.
| |
| |138
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Shrine.png|60px|Winter Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs.
| |
| |129
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Forest Shrine.png|60px|Winter Forest Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime.
| |
| |141
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Unicorn.png|60px|Frozen Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes.
| |
| |148
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Candy Cane Unicorn.png|60px|Candy Cane Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes.
| |
| |160
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Deer.png|60px|Winter Deer]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns.
| |
| |135
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Lampions.png|60px|Winter Lampions]]
| |
| |4x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring.
| |
| |290
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Orange.png|60px|Frozen Flame Orange]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |280
| |
| | -
| |
| |280 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Green.png|60px|Frozen Flame Green]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |250
| |
| | -
| |
| |250 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Blue.png|60px|Frozen Flame Blue]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |270
| |
| | -
| |
| |270 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Purple.png|60px|Frozen Flame Purple]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |300
| |
| | -
| |
| |300 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |250
| |
| | -
| |
| |250 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Frozen Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Frozen Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |270
| |
| | -
| |
| |270 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lazy Snowman.png|60px|Lazy Snowman]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man.
| |
| |410
| |
| | -
| |
| |410 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowball Fight.png|60px|Snowball Fight]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up!
| |
| |420
| |
| | -
| |
| |420 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Frozen Tree.png|60px|Father Frozen Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |660
| |
| | -
| |
| |660 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Tree of Candy Canes.png|60px|Father Tree of Candy Canes]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |210
| |
| |210
| |
| |210 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Glitter Tree.png|60px|Father Glitter Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night.
| |
| |640
| |
| | -
| |
| |640 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Lake.png|60px|Frozen Lake]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season.
| |
| |610
| |
| | -
| |
| |610 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Star.png|60px|Winter Star]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King.
| |
| |390
| |
| |390
| |
| |390 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Pond Habitat.png|60px|Winter Pond Habitat]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery.
| |
| |194
| |
| |194
| |
| |194 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lampion Winter Pond.png|60px|Lampion Winter Pond]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions.
| |
| |610
| |
| | -
| |
| |610 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Igloo Festival.png|60px|Igloo Festival]]
| |
| |3x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside.
| |
| |440
| |
| |440
| |
| |440 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowy Charming Tree.png|60px|Snowy Charming Tree]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot.
| |
| |960
| |
| | -
| |
| |960 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Glacier Garden.png|60px|Glacier Garden]]
| |
| |5x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur.
| |
| |580
| |
| |580
| |
| |580 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snow Flake Mountain.png|80px|Snow Flake Mountain]]
| |
| |4x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Snow Flake Mountain
| |
| |350
| |
| |350
| |
| |350 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Castle Snow Flake.png|80px|Castle Snow Flake]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles.
| |
| |580
| |
| |580
| |
| |580 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Tower of the Winter King.png|80px|Tower of the Winter King]]
| |
| |4x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| | The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be.
| |
| |830
| |
| |830
| |
| |830 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |colspan="10" style="font-size:12px;text-align:center;"|Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.
| |
| |}
| |
| ====Chapter IV====
| |
| {| style="text-align: center" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter IV - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |Building
| |
| |colspan="2"|Requirements
| |
| |colspan="1"|Descripton
| |
| |colspan="3"|Benefits
| |
| |- | | |- |
| | | | | |
| |[[File:field_small.png|Size]] | | |[[File:field_small.png|Veľkosť]] |
| |[[File:time_small.png|Construction Time]] | | |[[File:time_small.png|Doba výstavby]] |
| | | | | |
| |[[File:Culture.png|25px]]
| |
| |[[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
| |
| |[[File:help_small.png|Neighborly Help]]Effect
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Frozen Tree Stump Magic.png|60px|Frozen Tree Stump Magic]] | | |[[File:Frozen Tree Stump Magic.png|60px|Kúzelné rúbanisko ľadových stromov]] |
| |1x2 | | |1x2 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery. | | |Žiadne iné rúbanisko nevyzerá tak krásne v zimnej mrazivej scenérii. |
| |186
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Forest Igloo.png|60px|Forest Igloo]] | | |[[File:Forest Igloo.png|60px|Lesné iglú]] |
| |1x2 | | |1x2 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this. | | |Iglú vyrobené z ľadu, skryté v lesoch. Ale pozor: Nelíši sa nejako od ostatných? Možno v tom má prsty kráľ zimy. |
| |178
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Winter Shrine.png|60px|Winter Shrine]] | | |[[File:Winter Shrine.png|60px|Zimná svätyňal]] |
| |2x1 | | |2x1 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs. | | |Svätyňa postavená k uctievaniu Enarovho brata, snehuliaka Culgarela. Hovorí sa, že práve on je zodpovedný za tak mrazivé zimy. |
| |167
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Winter Forest Shrine.png|60px|Winter Forest Shrine]] | | |[[File:Winter Forest Shrine.png|60px|Zimná lesná svätyňa]] |
| |2x1 | | |2x1 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime. | | |Svätyňa postavená k uctievaniu bojovníka Timofey. Hovorí sa, že právě on je zodpovedný za silu, ktorú môžu získať muži počas svojho života. |
| |183
| |
| | -
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| | -
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Frozen Unicorn.png|60px|Frozen Unicorn]] | | |[[File:Frozen Unicorn.png|60px|Zamrznutý jednorožec]] |
| |2x1 | | |2x1 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes. | | |Nikto ani len netuší, kedy bol boh lesa Enar videný naposledy. To však nemá vplyv na obľúbenosť jednorožcov v Elvenare. Tento je vyrobený z najjemnejších snehových vločiek. |
| |191
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Candy Cane Unicorn.png|60px|Candy Cane Unicorn]] | | |[[File:Candy Cane Unicorn.png|60px|Jednorožec s čarovným rohom]] |
| |2x1 | | |2x1 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes. | | |Nikto ani len netuší, kedy bol boh lesa Enar videný naposledy. To však nemá vplyv na obľúbenosť jednorožcov v Elvenare. Tento je vyrobený z najsladších cukríkov. |
| |210
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Winter Deer.png|60px|Winter Deer]] | | |[[File:Winter Deer.png|60px|Zimné jelene]] |
| |2x1 | | |2x1 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns. | | |Jelene sú v Elvenare obľúbené rovnako, ako jednorožce.... |
| |175
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Winter Lampions.png|60px|Winter Lampions]] | | |[[File:Winter Lampions.png|60px|Zimné lampióny]] |
| |4x1 | | |4x1 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring. | | |Sada zimných lampiónov? Dekoratívna a inšpirujúca ! |
| |380
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Orange.png|60px|Frozen Flame Orange]] | | |[[File:Frozen Flame Orange.png|60px|Oranžový zamrznutý plameň]] |
| |2x2 | | |2x2 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains. | | |Zamrznutý oranžový plameň, spútaný kúzelnou reťazou... |
| |370
| |
| | -
| |
| |370 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Green.png|60px|Frozen Flame Green]] | | |[[File:Frozen Flame Green.png|60px|Zelený zamrznutý plameň]] |
| |2x2 | | |2x2 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains. | | |Zamrznutý zelený plameň, spútaný kúzelnou reťazou... |
| |320
| |
| | -
| |
| |320 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Blue.png|60px|Frozen Flame Blue]] | | |[[File:Frozen Flame Blue.png|60px|Modrý zamrznutý plameň]] |
| |2x2 | | |2x2 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains. | | |Zamrznutý modrý plameň, spútaný kúzelnou reťazou... |
| |350
| |
| | -
| |
| |350 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Purple.png|60px|Frozen Flame Purple]] | | |[[File:Frozen Flame Purple.png|60px|Fialový zamrznutý plameň]] |
| |2x2 | | |2x2 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains. | | |Zamrznutý fialový plameň, spútaný kúzelnou reťazou... |
| |380
| |
| | -
| |
| |380 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Temple of the Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Flame]] | | |[[File:Temple of the Flame.png|60px|Chrám ohňa]] |
| |2x2 | | |2x2 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. | | |Tí, ktorí uctievajú plameň sa tu prichádzajú modliť a prosiť o radu. |
| |320
| |
| | -
| |
| |320 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Temple of the Frozen Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Frozen Flame]] | | |[[File:Temple of the Frozen Flame.png|60px|Chrám zamrznutúho plameňa]] |
| |2x2 | | |2x2 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance. | | |Tí, ktorí uctievajú zamrznutý plameň sa tu prichádzajú modliť a prosiť o radu. |
| |350
| |
| | -
| |
| |350 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Lazy Snowman.png|60px|Lazy Snowman]] | | |[[File:Lazy Snowman.png|60px|Lenivý snehuliak]] |
| |2x3 | | |2x3 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man. | | |Veľký, lenivý ale veľmi priateľský snehuliak. |
| |520
| |
| | -
| |
| |520 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Snowball Fight.png|60px|Snowball Fight]] | | |[[File:Snowball Fight.png|60px|Guľovačka]] |
| |2x3 | | |2x3 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up! | | |Kto to hodil? Necítite náhodou konkurenciu v meste? Hlavy hore! |
| |550
| |
| | -
| |
| |550 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Father Frozen Tree.png|60px|Father Frozen Tree]] | | |[[File:Father Frozen Tree.png|60px|Otec ľadových stromov]] |
| |3x3 | | |3x3 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. | | |Známy ako možno najpriateľskejší strom na svete : Očarujúci strom, veľký brat všetkých entov. Miluje sneh. |
| |860
| |
| | -
| |
| |860 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Father Tree of Candy Canes.png|60px|Father Tree of Candy Canes]] | | |[[File:Father Tree of Candy Canes.png|60px|Otcovský strom cukrových tyčiniek]] |
| |3x3 | | |3x3 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by. | | |Elf raz cez zimu zasadil semiačko Otca stromov tak, ako to nariaďovala viera. V blízkosti náhodne vytratil cukrovú tyčinku. |
| |210
| |
| |210
| |
| |210 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Father Glitter Tree.png|60px|Father Glitter Tree]] | | |[[File:Father Glitter Tree.png|60px|Otec ligotavých stromov]] |
| |3x3 | | |3x3 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night. | | |Elf raz cez zimu zasadil semiačko Otca stromov. Výsledkom tejto hviezdnej noci je tento prekrásny a mocný svätý strom. |
| |820
| |
| | -
| |
| |820 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Frozen Lake.png|60px|Frozen Lake]] | | |[[File:Frozen Lake.png|60px|Zamrznuté jazero]] |
| |3x3 | | |3x3 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season. | | |Ideálne miesto na odpočinok v zimnej sezóne. |
| |790
| |
| | -
| |
| |790 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Winter Star.png|60px|Winter Star]] | | |[[File:Winter Star.png|60px|Zimná hviezda]] |
| |3x3 | | |3x3 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King. | | |Manifestácia ľadovej mágie. Zacíť silu Snehového kráľa. |
| |500
| |
| |500
| |
| |500 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Winter Pond Habitat.png|60px|Winter Pond Habitat]] | | |[[File:Winter Pond Habitat.png|60px|Rybník so zimným prostredím]] |
| |3x3 | | |3x3 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. | | |Zamrznutý rybník uprostred zasneženej krajiny. Skvelé miesto na odpočinok. |
| |194
| |
| |194
| |
| |194 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Lampion Winter Pond.png|60px|Lampion Winter Pond]] | | |[[File:Lampion Winter Pond.png|60px|Lampiónový zimný rybník]] |
| |3x3 | | |3x3 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions. | | |Zamrznutý rybník uprostred zasneženej krajiny. Skvelé miesto na odpočinok s nádhernými lampiónmi. |
| |790
| |
| | -
| |
| |790 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Igloo Festival.png|60px|Igloo Festival]] | | |[[File:Igloo Festival.png|60px|Iglú festival]] |
| |3x4 | | |3x4 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside. | | |Malý a útulný kemp pre tých, čo milujú spánok pod širákom. |
| |570
| |
| |570
| |
| |570 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Snowy Charming Tree.png|60px|Snowy Charming Tree]] | | |[[File:Snowy Charming Tree.png|60px|Zasnežený očarujúci strom]] |
| |4x3 | | |4x3 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot. | | |Známy ako možno najpriateľskejší strom na svete : Očarujúci strom, veľký brat všetkých entov. Miluje sneh |
| |1240
| |
| | -
| |
| |1240 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |- | | |- |
| |[[File:Glacier Garden.png|60px|Glacier Garden]] | | |[[File:Glacier Garden.png|60px|Ľadovcová záhrada]] |
| |5x3 | | |5x3 |
| |10s | | |10s |
| |A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur. | | |Nádherná záhrada, inšpirovaná ľadovcami v severnom Unure |
| |750
| |
| |750
| |
| |750 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snow Flake Mountain.png|80px|Snow Flake Mountain]]
| |
| |4x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Snow Flake Mountain
| |
| |460
| |
| |460
| |
| |460 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Castle Snow Flake.png|80px|Castle Snow Flake]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles.
| |
| |740
| |
| |740
| |
| |740 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Tower of the Winter King.png|80px|Tower of the Winter King]]
| |
| |4x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| | The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be.
| |
| |1070
| |
| |1070
| |
| |1070 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |colspan="10" style="font-size:12px;text-align:center;"|Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.
| |
| |}
| |
| ====Chapter V====
| |
| {| style="text-align: center" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter V - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |Building
| |
| |colspan="2"|Requirements
| |
| |colspan="1"|Descripton
| |
| |colspan="3"|Benefits
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:field_small.png|Size]]
| |
| |[[File:time_small.png|Construction Time]]
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:Culture.png|25px]]
| |
| |[[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
| |
| |[[File:help_small.png|Neighborly Help]]Effect
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Tree Stump Magic.png|60px|Frozen Tree Stump Magic]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery.
| |
| |220
| |
| | -
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| | -
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| |-
| |
| |[[File:Forest Igloo.png|60px|Forest Igloo]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this.
| |
| |220
| |
| | -
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| | -
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| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Shrine.png|60px|Winter Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs.
| |
| |200
| |
| | -
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| | -
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| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Forest Shrine.png|60px|Winter Forest Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime.
| |
| |220
| |
| | -
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| | -
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| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Unicorn.png|60px|Frozen Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes.
| |
| |230
| |
| | -
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| | -
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| |-
| |
| |[[File:Candy Cane Unicorn.png|60px|Candy Cane Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes.
| |
| |250
| |
| | -
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| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Deer.png|60px|Winter Deer]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns.
| |
| |210
| |
| | -
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| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Lampions.png|60px|Winter Lampions]]
| |
| |4x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring.
| |
| |450
| |
| | -
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| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Orange.png|60px|Frozen Flame Orange]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |440
| |
| | -
| |
| |440 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Green.png|60px|Frozen Flame Green]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |380
| |
| | -
| |
| |380 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Blue.png|60px|Frozen Flame Blue]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |420
| |
| | -
| |
| |420 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Purple.png|60px|Frozen Flame Purple]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |460
| |
| | -
| |
| |460 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |380
| |
| | -
| |
| |380 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Frozen Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Frozen Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |420
| |
| | -
| |
| |420 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lazy Snowman.png|60px|Lazy Snowman]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man.
| |
| |630
| |
| | -
| |
| |630 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowball Fight.png|60px|Snowball Fight]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up!
| |
| |660
| |
| | -
| |
| |660 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Frozen Tree.png|60px|Father Frozen Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |1040
| |
| | -
| |
| |1040 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Tree of Candy Canes.png|60px|Father Tree of Candy Canes]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |210
| |
| |210
| |
| |210 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Glitter Tree.png|60px|Father Glitter Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night.
| |
| |990
| |
| | -
| |
| |990 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Lake.png|60px|Frozen Lake]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season.
| |
| |950
| |
| | -
| |
| |950 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Star.png|60px|Winter Star]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King.
| |
| |600
| |
| |600
| |
| |600 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Pond Habitat.png|60px|Winter Pond Habitat]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery.
| |
| |194
| |
| |194
| |
| |194 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lampion Winter Pond.png|60px|Lampion Winter Pond]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions.
| |
| |950
| |
| | -
| |
| |950 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Igloo Festival.png|60px|Igloo Festival]]
| |
| |3x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside.
| |
| |690
| |
| |690
| |
| |690 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowy Charming Tree.png|60px|Snowy Charming Tree]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot.
| |
| |1500
| |
| | -
| |
| |1500 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Glacier Garden.png|60px|Glacier Garden]]
| |
| |5x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur.
| |
| |900
| |
| |900
| |
| |900 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snow Flake Mountain.png|80px|Snow Flake Mountain]]
| |
| |4x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Snow Flake Mountain
| |
| |550
| |
| |550
| |
| |550 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Castle Snow Flake.png|80px|Castle Snow Flake]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles.
| |
| |900
| |
| |900
| |
| |900 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Tower of the Winter King.png|80px|Tower of the Winter King]]
| |
| |4x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| | The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be.
| |
| |1290
| |
| |1290
| |
| |1290 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |colspan="10" style="font-size:12px;text-align:center;"|Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.
| |
| |}
| |
| ====Chapter VI====
| |
| {| style="text-align: center" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter VI - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |Building
| |
| |colspan="2"|Requirements
| |
| |colspan="1"|Descripton
| |
| |colspan="3"|Benefits
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:field_small.png|Size]]
| |
| |[[File:time_small.png|Construction Time]]
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:Culture.png|25px]]
| |
| |[[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
| |
| |[[File:help_small.png|Neighborly Help]]Effect
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Tree Stump Magic.png|60px|Frozen Tree Stump Magic]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery.
| |
| |300
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Forest Igloo.png|60px|Forest Igloo]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this.
| |
| |290
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Shrine.png|60px|Winter Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs.
| |
| |270
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Forest Shrine.png|60px|Winter Forest Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime.
| |
| |290
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Unicorn.png|60px|Frozen Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes.
| |
| |310
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Candy Cane Unicorn.png|60px|Candy Cane Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes.
| |
| |330
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Deer.png|60px|Winter Deer]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns.
| |
| |280
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Lampions.png|60px|Winter Lampions]]
| |
| |4x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring.
| |
| |600
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Orange.png|60px|Frozen Flame Orange]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |590
| |
| | -
| |
| |590 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Green.png|60px|Frozen Flame Green]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |510
| |
| | -
| |
| |510 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Blue.png|60px|Frozen Flame Blue]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |560
| |
| | -
| |
| |560 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Purple.png|60px|Frozen Flame Purple]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |610
| |
| | -
| |
| |610 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |510
| |
| | -
| |
| |510 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Frozen Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Frozen Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |560
| |
| | -
| |
| |560 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lazy Snowman.png|60px|Lazy Snowman]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man.
| |
| |840
| |
| | -
| |
| |840 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowball Fight.png|60px|Snowball Fight]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up!
| |
| |880
| |
| | -
| |
| |880 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Frozen Tree.png|60px|Father Frozen Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |1380
| |
| | -
| |
| |1380 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Tree of Candy Canes.png|60px|Father Tree of Candy Canes]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |210
| |
| |210
| |
| |210 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Glitter Tree.png|60px|Father Glitter Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night.
| |
| |1320
| |
| | -
| |
| |1320 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Lake.png|60px|Frozen Lake]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season.
| |
| |1260
| |
| | -
| |
| |1260 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Star.png|60px|Winter Star]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King.
| |
| |800
| |
| |800
| |
| |800 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Pond Habitat.png|60px|Winter Pond Habitat]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery.
| |
| |194
| |
| |194
| |
| |194 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lampion Winter Pond.png|60px|Lampion Winter Pond]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions.
| |
| |1260
| |
| | -
| |
| |1260 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Igloo Festival.png|60px|Igloo Festival]]
| |
| |3x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside.
| |
| |920
| |
| |920
| |
| |920 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowy Charming Tree.png|60px|Snowy Charming Tree]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot.
| |
| |1990
| |
| | -
| |
| |1990 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Glacier Garden.png|60px|Glacier Garden]]
| |
| |5x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur.
| |
| |1200
| |
| |1200
| |
| |1200 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snow Flake Mountain.png|80px|Snow Flake Mountain]]
| |
| |4x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Snow Flake Mountain
| |
| |730
| |
| |730
| |
| |730 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Castle Snow Flake.png|80px|Castle Snow Flake]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles.
| |
| |1190
| |
| |1190
| |
| |1190 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Tower of the Winter King.png|80px|Tower of the Winter King]]
| |
| |4x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| | The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be.
| |
| |1710
| |
| |1710
| |
| |1710 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |colspan="10" style="font-size:12px;text-align:center;"|Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.
| |
| |}
| |
| ====Chapter VII====
| |
| {| style="text-align: center" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter VII - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |Building
| |
| |colspan="2"|Requirements
| |
| |colspan="1"|Descripton
| |
| |colspan="3"|Benefits
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:field_small.png|Size]]
| |
| |[[File:time_small.png|Construction Time]]
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:Culture.png|25px]]
| |
| |[[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
| |
| |[[File:help_small.png|Neighborly Help]]Effect
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Tree Stump Magic.png|60px|Frozen Tree Stump Magic]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery.
| |
| |370
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Forest Igloo.png|60px|Forest Igloo]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this.
| |
| |360
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Shrine.png|60px|Winter Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs.
| |
| |330
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Forest Shrine.png|60px|Winter Forest Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime.
| |
| |370
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Unicorn.png|60px|Frozen Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes.
| |
| |380
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Candy Cane Unicorn.png|60px|Candy Cane Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes.
| |
| |410
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Deer.png|60px|Winter Deer]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns.
| |
| |350
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Lampions.png|60px|Winter Lampions]]
| |
| |4x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring.
| |
| |750
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Orange.png|60px|Frozen Flame Orange]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |730
| |
| | -
| |
| |730 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Green.png|60px|Frozen Flame Green]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |640
| |
| | -
| |
| |640 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Blue.png|60px|Frozen Flame Blue]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |700
| |
| | -
| |
| |700 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Purple.png|60px|Frozen Flame Purple]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |760
| |
| | -
| |
| |760 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |640
| |
| | -
| |
| |640 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Frozen Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Frozen Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |700
| |
| | -
| |
| |700 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lazy Snowman.png|60px|Lazy Snowman]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man.
| |
| |1050
| |
| | -
| |
| |1050 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowball Fight.png|60px|Snowball Fight]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up!
| |
| |1100
| |
| | -
| |
| |1100 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Frozen Tree.png|60px|Father Frozen Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |1720
| |
| | -
| |
| |1720 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Tree of Candy Canes.png|60px|Father Tree of Candy Canes]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |210
| |
| |210
| |
| |210 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Glitter Tree.png|60px|Father Glitter Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night.
| |
| |1650
| |
| | -
| |
| |1650 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Lake.png|60px|Frozen Lake]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season.
| |
| |1570
| |
| | -
| |
| |1570 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Star.png|60px|Winter Star]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King.
| |
| |1000
| |
| |1000
| |
| |1000 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Pond Habitat.png|60px|Winter Pond Habitat]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery.
| |
| |194
| |
| |194
| |
| |194 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lampion Winter Pond.png|60px|Lampion Winter Pond]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions.
| |
| |1570
| |
| | -
| |
| |1570 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Igloo Festival.png|60px|Igloo Festival]]
| |
| |3x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside.
| |
| |1140
| |
| |1140
| |
| |1140 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowy Charming Tree.png|60px|Snowy Charming Tree]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot.
| |
| |2500
| |
| | -
| |
| |2500 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Glacier Garden.png|60px|Glacier Garden]]
| |
| |5x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur.
| |
| |1490
| |
| |1490
| |
| |1490 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snow Flake Mountain.png|80px|Snow Flake Mountain]]
| |
| |4x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Snow Flake Mountain
| |
| |920
| |
| |920
| |
| |920 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Castle Snow Flake.png|80px|Castle Snow Flake]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles.
| |
| |1490
| |
| |1490
| |
| |1490 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Tower of the Winter King.png|80px|Tower of the Winter King]]
| |
| |4x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| | The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be.
| |
| |2100
| |
| |2100
| |
| |2100 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |colspan="10" style="font-size:12px;text-align:center;"|Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.
| |
| |}
| |
| ====Chapter VIII====
| |
| {| style="text-align: center" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter VIII - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |Building
| |
| |colspan="2"|Requirements
| |
| |colspan="1"|Descripton
| |
| |colspan="3"|Benefits
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:field_small.png|Size]]
| |
| |[[File:time_small.png|Construction Time]]
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:Culture.png|25px]]
| |
| |[[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
| |
| |[[File:help_small.png|Neighborly Help]]Effect
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Tree Stump Magic.png|60px|Frozen Tree Stump Magic]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery.
| |
| |460
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Forest Igloo.png|60px|Forest Igloo]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this.
| |
| |440
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Shrine.png|60px|Winter Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs.
| |
| |410
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Forest Shrine.png|60px|Winter Forest Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime.
| |
| |450
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Unicorn.png|60px|Frozen Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes.
| |
| |470
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Candy Cane Unicorn.png|60px|Candy Cane Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes.
| |
| |510
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Deer.png|60px|Winter Deer]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns.
| |
| |430
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Lampions.png|60px|Winter Lampions]]
| |
| |4x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring.
| |
| |920
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Orange.png|60px|Frozen Flame Orange]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |900
| |
| | -
| |
| |900 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Green.png|60px|Frozen Flame Green]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |780
| |
| | -
| |
| |780 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Blue.png|60px|Frozen Flame Blue]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |860
| |
| | -
| |
| |860 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Purple.png|60px|Frozen Flame Purple]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |940
| |
| | -
| |
| |940 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |780
| |
| | -
| |
| |780 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Frozen Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Frozen Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |860
| |
| | -
| |
| |860 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lazy Snowman.png|60px|Lazy Snowman]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man.
| |
| |1290
| |
| | -
| |
| |1290 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowball Fight.png|60px|Snowball Fight]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up!
| |
| |1350
| |
| | -
| |
| |1350 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Frozen Tree.png|60px|Father Frozen Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |2100
| |
| | -
| |
| |2100 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Tree of Candy Canes.png|60px|Father Tree of Candy Canes]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |210
| |
| |210
| |
| |210 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Glitter Tree.png|60px|Father Glitter Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night.
| |
| |2000
| |
| | -
| |
| |2000 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Lake.png|60px|Frozen Lake]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season.
| |
| |1930
| |
| | -
| |
| |1930 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Star.png|60px|Winter Star]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King.
| |
| |1230
| |
| |1230
| |
| |1230 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Pond Habitat.png|60px|Winter Pond Habitat]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery.
| |
| |194
| |
| |194
| |
| |194 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lampion Winter Pond.png|60px|Lampion Winter Pond]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions.
| |
| |1930
| |
| | -
| |
| |1930 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Igloo Festival.png|60px|Igloo Festival]]
| |
| |3x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside.
| |
| |1400
| |
| |1400
| |
| |1400 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowy Charming Tree.png|60px|Snowy Charming Tree]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot.
| |
| |3000
| |
| | -
| |
| |3000 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Glacier Garden.png|60px|Glacier Garden]]
| |
| |5x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur.
| |
| |1830
| |
| |1830
| |
| |1830 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snow Flake Mountain.png|80px|Snow Flake Mountain]]
| |
| |4x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Snow Flake Mountain
| |
| |1120
| |
| |1120
| |
| |1120 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Castle Snow Flake.png|80px|Castle Snow Flake]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles.
| |
| |1830
| |
| |1830
| |
| |1830 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Tower of the Winter King.png|80px|Tower of the Winter King]]
| |
| |4x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| | The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be.
| |
| |2600
| |
| |2600
| |
| |2600 [[File:Culture.png|25px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |colspan="10" style="font-size:12px;text-align:center;"|Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.
| |
| |}
| |
| ====Chapter IX====
| |
| {| style="text-align: center" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
| |
| !colspan="11"|Chapter IX - Snow Flurry Buildings Information
| |
| |-
| |
| |Building
| |
| |colspan="2"|Requirements
| |
| |colspan="1"|Descripton
| |
| |colspan="3"|Benefits
| |
| |-
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:field_small.png|Size]]
| |
| |[[File:time_small.png|Construction Time]]
| |
| |
| |
| |[[File:Culture.png|25px]]
| |
| |[[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
| |
| |[[File:help_small.png|Neighborly Help]]Effect
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Tree Stump Magic.png|60px|Frozen Tree Stump Magic]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |No Tree Stump on earth has looked so beautiful in wintery and frozen scenery.
| |
| |560
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Forest Igloo.png|60px|Forest Igloo]]
| |
| |1x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An igloo made of ice, hidden in the woods. But watch: Doesn't it look different from all others? Maybe King Snow had his magic hands in this.
| |
| |540
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Shrine.png|60px|Winter Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Enars brother, Culgarel "the Frosty". He is rumored to be responsible for cold winters and fertile springs.
| |
| |500
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Forest Shrine.png|60px|Winter Forest Shrine]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A Shrine, built to worship Timofey the Warrior. He is rumored to be responsible for the strength a man can obtain during his lifetime.
| |
| |550
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Unicorn.png|60px|Frozen Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest snow flakes.
| |
| |580
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Candy Cane Unicorn.png|60px|Candy Cane Unicorn]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |People might ask themselves when Enar, the god of the forest, was seen for the last time. But this does no harm to the popularity of Unicorns in Elvenar. This one is made of finest candy canes.
| |
| |620
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Deer.png|60px|Winter Deer]]
| |
| |2x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Deer are almost as popular in Elvenar as Unicorns.
| |
| |530
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Lampions.png|60px|Winter Lampions]]
| |
| |4x1
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A set of wintery lampions, decorative and inspiring.
| |
| |1130
| |
| | -
| |
| | -
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Orange.png|60px|Frozen Flame Orange]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen orange flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |1100
| |
| | -
| |
| |1100 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Green.png|60px|Frozen Flame Green]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen green flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |960
| |
| | -
| |
| |960 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Blue.png|60px|Frozen Flame Blue]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen blue flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |1060
| |
| | -
| |
| |1060 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Flame Purple.png|60px|Frozen Flame Purple]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A frozen purple flame, tamed with enchanted chains.
| |
| |1150
| |
| | -
| |
| |1150 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |960
| |
| | -
| |
| |960 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Temple of the Frozen Flame.png|60px|Temple of the Frozen Flame]]
| |
| |2x2
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Those who worship the frozen flame come to pray at this place and ask for guidance.
| |
| |1060
| |
| | -
| |
| |1060 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lazy Snowman.png|60px|Lazy Snowman]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Big and lazy, a friendly Snow Man.
| |
| |1580
| |
| | -
| |
| |1580 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowball Fight.png|60px|Snowball Fight]]
| |
| |2x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Who started this prank? All of a sudden, there was a serious competition in your city. Heads up!
| |
| |1660
| |
| | -
| |
| |1660 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Frozen Tree.png|60px|Father Frozen Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |2600
| |
| | -
| |
| |2600 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Tree of Candy Canes.png|60px|Father Tree of Candy Canes]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, and as fate had ordained, he randomly dropped a candy cane close by.
| |
| |210
| |
| |210
| |
| |210 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Father Glitter Tree.png|60px|Father Glitter Tree]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |An Elf once planted a seedling of Father Tree during winter, this beautiful and powerful new holy tree is the result of this starry night.
| |
| |2500
| |
| | -
| |
| |2500 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Frozen Lake.png|60px|Frozen Lake]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful resort of relaxation in the cold season.
| |
| |2400
| |
| | -
| |
| |2400 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Star.png|60px|Winter Star]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A manifestation of frozen sorcery. Feel the Power of the Snow King.
| |
| |1510
| |
| |1510
| |
| |1510 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Winter Pond Habitat.png|60px|Winter Pond Habitat]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery.
| |
| |194
| |
| |194
| |
| |194 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Lampion Winter Pond.png|60px|Lampion Winter Pond]]
| |
| |3x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A recreational Pond in the middle of snowy scenery. With beautiful lampions.
| |
| |2400
| |
| | -
| |
| |2400 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Igloo Festival.png|60px|Igloo Festival]]
| |
| |3x4
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A small and cozy settlement of those inhabitants, who like to sleep outside.
| |
| |1730
| |
| |1730
| |
| |1730 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Snowy Charming Tree.png|60px|Snowy Charming Tree]]
| |
| |4x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |Known as the maybe most friendly tree in the world: The big brother of all Treants, the Charming Tree. This one likes snow a lot.
| |
| |3700
| |
| | -
| |
| |3700 [[File:Culture.png|15px|Culture]] /8h
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[File:Glacier Garden.png|60px|Glacier Garden]]
| |
| |5x3
| |
| |10s
| |
| |A beautiful Garden, inspired by the Glacier regions of Northern Unur.
| |
| |2300
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| !colspan="11"|Chapter I - Grand Prizes Information
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| |[[File:Snow Flake Mountain.png|80px|Snow Flake Mountain]]
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| |Snow Flake Mountain
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| |[[File:Castle Snow Flake.png|80px|Castle Snow Flake]]
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| |The residency of King Snow: Here he is forging out plans to rule them all, night and day. If he gets bored , he will be carving icicles.
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| |[[File:Tower of the Winter King.png|80px|Tower of the Winter King]]
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| | The crown of King Snow's castle complex: His mighty tower of Winter, shaped like an enchanted model of the world as it will be.
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| |colspan="10" style="font-size:12px;text-align:center;"|Press on each building picture to see a bigger image.
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