Vzostup Kultu Fénixa: Rozdiel medzi revíziami
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Keď otvoríte truhlice a získate pierka, roztomilé mláďa Fénixa sa začne posúvať k vášmu cieľu Veľkej ceny. Získate tak dobrú informáciu o tom, koľko pierok je ešte potrebných, kým získate ďalšiu Veľkú cenu. | |||
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Verzia z 15:02, 22. marec 2021
Vzostup Kultu Fénixa
Tento rok si kult bieleho plameňa uctievajúci Fénixa a nomádi konečne rozumejú. Spoločne nájdu vajíčko Popolavého Fénixa, ktoré im prináša múdrosť a vrhá viac svetla na tieto záhadné stvorenia, čo umožňuje niektorým ľuďom spojiť sa s nimi a stať sa jazdcami Fénixa. Môžete im pomôcť vychovať z Popolavého Fénixa veľkého a mocného vtáka?
Úlohy a miľníky úloh
Línia úlohy sa skladá z časti príbehu. To znamená, že budete môcť dokončiť prvú sériu úloh hneď, zatiaľ čo v neskorších úlohách sú denne uvoľňované nové úlohy, čo vám umožní pokračovať v hraní jednej ďalšej úlohy každý nový deň udalosti.
Splnenie úloh má tiež ďalšie výhody, pretože každá splnená úloha vás priblíži k dosiahnutiu jedného z míľnikov, ktoré vám za ich získanie prinesie ďalšie odmeny.
Okrem toho môžete získať viac Nebeskú podstatu prostredníctvom odmeny Dennej odmeny! Navštívte svoje mesto každý deň, aby ste každý deň mohli zhromaždiť 45 Nebeskej podstaty!
Menu Udalosti
Each quest will give you Sky Essence as a reward. They are added to your Event Window. With Sky Essence you can open different Chests to win unique and precious prizes. The Chests also contain Feathers to unlock mighty Grand Prizes!
By clicking the Event Menu icon you will access the Event Window which will give you plenty of information and allow you to put the Sky Essence you gathered to use:
1 - Indicates the remaining time for the Event.
2 - Shows you the Daily Exclusive reward you can get from opening the Chests and for how long it will be available before it is gone.
3 - Shows you the amount of Sky Essence you have collected and not yet spent.
4 - Allows you to buy Sky Essence with Premium currency.
5 - Here you can see how many Feathers you have collected and your progress to unlock the Grand Prizes.
6 - Phoenix Chick: As you collect Feathers, the cute Phoenix Chick begins to walk across the scene following the Feathers above them to the Grand Prize.
7 - Grand Prizes to be won by collecting the 20 Feathers each.
8 - Phoenix Chests where you can spend your Sky Essence to win a reward and obtain Feathers . Shows how much Sky Essence is required to open and how many Feathers you receive with each Chest.
You can also click the button to see the help information on the Gathering of the Phoenix Cults.
Sky Essence
You start the Rise of the Phoenix Cult Event with 50 Sky Essence and each Event Quest will give you more as a reward for completing the given tasks. Also, from time to time, you will find more Sky Essence around your city for you to collect.
You can then use the Sky Essence to open one of the Chests which, depending on your luck, may also give you more Sky Essence.
Remember that the Rise of the Phoenix Cult Event only lasts for a few weeks, and after that you will no longer be able to use your Sky Essence to get awesome rewards, so don't waste time!
Rotujúce truhlice
Na výber sú 3 truhly! Každý z nich vám dáva šancu vyhrať Dennú domenu. Ďalšie odmeny, Staroveké vedomosti, Mincový dážď, Neočakávané zásoby, Portálový zisk, očarovania a ešte viac Nebeskej podstaty. Všetko záleží na tom, aké máte šťastie! Otvorením truhiel získate aj pierka. Pamätajte: každá truhlica ponúkne pre vašu Nebeskú podsattu iný počet pierok. Vyberajte teda opatrne.
Len čo si vyberiete truhlicu, budú sa otáčať a predstavia vám novú sadu truhiel.
Collecting Feathers
When you open a Chest, you will win a number of Feathers . Each Chest will immediately give you a specific amount indicated on the top left of the box.
Collecting the Feathers allows you to unlock the Grand Prizes! Each Grand Prize requires 20 Feathers to unlock it. Once you have collected your Grand Prize, you can begin to collect Feathers for the next one.
After collecting the Grand Prizes, you will find them in your Inventory.
Please note: All building values and effects depend on the Chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory. |
Mláďa Fénixa
Keď otvoríte truhlice a získate pierka, roztomilé mláďa Fénixa sa začne posúvať k vášmu cieľu Veľkej ceny. Získate tak dobrú informáciu o tom, koľko pierok je ešte potrebných, kým získate ďalšiu Veľkú cenu.
Evolving Buildings
In the Rise of the Phoenix Cult Event, you can win an exciting new Evolving Building, the Ashen Phoenix. This powerful Phoenix pet can be evolved through 10 stages to increase its power.
The Ashen Phoenix provides Population, Culture and produces Mana or Sentient Goods (depending on your Chapter). While this Phoenix is fed with Pet Food, it grants additional Feeding Effect: Gives additional Event Currency per finished Sequential or Episodic Event Quest. Make sure to always keep it fed!
For more information on Evolving Buildings and Feeding Effects go to our dedicated page on the topic.
Grand Prizes & Ashen Phoenix Artifacts
Each day you will have the chance to win a Daily Exclusive prize but the main goal is to win the fantastic Grand Prizes.
This time, Grand Prizes include the essential Ashen Phoenix Artifact that evolves the Ashen Phoenix to the next level. See Evolving Buildings for more information on the evolution process.
Other Grand Prizes include powerful Instants, such as Coin Rain, Supply Windfall, Ancient Knowledge and Portal Profit, as well as Rune Shards and Knowledge Points.
Be sure to complete all the Event Quests so that you can have a chance to win every single one of these wonderful prizes.
Phoenix Artifacts
Were you looking to evolve your existing Phoenixes from the Evolution of the Phoenix Event?
Like last time, the possibilty to exchange Phoenix Artifacts through Crafting will also temporarily become available again.