Produkčné budovy Sily Hudby: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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(Vytvorená stránka „{{Template:The Power of Music Buildings}} ===The Power of Music Production Buildings=== For Luania to be able to act and perform the healing ritual to Peregrim she need…“)
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{{Template:The Power of Music Buildings}}
{{Template:The Power of Music Buildings}}

===The Power of Music Production Buildings===
===Produkčné budovy Sily Hudby===
For Luania to be able to act and perform the healing ritual to Peregrim she needs special buildings that can produce instruments to accompany her beautiful voice.
Aby Luania mohla konať a uskutočniť liečebný rituál pre Peregrima, potrebuje špeciálne budovy, ktoré dokážu vyrobiť nástroje, ktoré budú sprevádzať jej nádherný hlas.

===Violin Maker===
===Violin Maker===

Verzia z 20:17, 30. august 2022

Budovy Sily Hudby
Portalsite GR15.png

Háj harmónie

Violin Maker

Výrobca huslí

Flute Maker

Výrobca fláut

Drum Maker

Výrobca bubnov

Requirements Buildings

Podporné budovy

Produkčné budovy Sily Hudby

Aby Luania mohla konať a uskutočniť liečebný rituál pre Peregrima, potrebuje špeciálne budovy, ktoré dokážu vyrobiť nástroje, ktoré budú sprevádzať jej nádherný hlas.

Violin Maker

A manufactory that produces Plucked Violins in all Sizes...all sizes, really.


The purpose of Violin Maker is to produce Plucked Violins Ch20 strings.png.
Plucked Violins are used to produce Songs Ch20 songs.png in the Harmony Grove and to build the Violins Ensemble.


To be able to build the Violin Maker you must unlock its technology in the Research Tree and spend the resources for its construction, it needs to be connected directly or indirectly to a Refined Manufactory (Crystal, Scrolls or Silk). There is no limit to the number of buildings you can build in the city, it can not be upgraded, it can be sold and rebuilt.


As long as you have the resources for Plucked Violins you can produce non-stop, as this resource has no storage limit. There are 4 production options, 3h, 9h, 1d and 2d. Each one of them with different production costs.

Strings Produce.png

Violin Maker Overview

Violin Maker Information
Building Requirements Costs Benefit /24h
Size Construction Time Coins Supplies Divine Seeds Plucked Violins
B Ch20 Production1 1 0000.png 5x3 12:00h 100M 3800K 127K 13
Click on the building to see a bigger image.

Flute Maker

A manufactory specialized in constructing horn-shaped flutes.


The purpose of Flute Maker is to produce Horn Flutes Ch20 flutes.png.
Horn Flutes are used to produce Songs Ch20 songs.png in the Harmony Grove and to build the Flute Ensemble.


To be able to build the Flute Maker you must unlock its technology in the Research Tree and spend the resources for its construction, it needs to be connected directly or indirectly to a Precious Manufactory (Elixir, Magic Dust or Gems). There is no limit to the number of buildings you can build in the city, it can not be upgraded, it can be sold and rebuilt.


As long as you have the resources for Horn Flutes you can produce non-stop, as this resource has no storage limit. There are 4 production options, 3h, 9h, 1d and 2d. Each one of them with different production costs.

Flutes Produce.png

Flute Maker Overview

Flute Maker Information
Building Requirements Costs Benefit /24h
Size Construction Time Coins Supplies Divine Seeds Horn Flutes
B Ch20 Production2 1 0000.png 3x5 12:00h 100M 3800K 127K 16
Click on the building to see a bigger image.

Drum Maker

A manufactory for every instrument that qualifies as a rhythm maker.


The purpose of Drum Maker is to produce Barrel Drums Ch20 drums.png.
Barrel Drums are used to produce Songs Ch20 songs.png in the Harmony Grove and to build the Drums Ensemble.


To be able to build the Drum Maker you must unlock its technology in the Research Tree and spend the resources for its construction, it needs to be connected directly or indirectly to a Basic Manufactory (Marble, Steel or Planks). There is no limit to the number of buildings you can build in the city, it can not be upgraded, it can be sold and rebuilt.


As long as you have the resources for Barrel Drums you can produce non-stop, as this resource has no storage limit. There are 4 production options, 3h, 9h, 1d and 2d. Each one of them with different production costs.

Drums Produce.png

Drum Maker Overview

Drum Maker Information
Building Requirements Costs Benefit /24h
Size Construction Time Coins Supplies Divine Seeds Barrel Drums
B Ch20 Production3 1 0000.png 4x4 12:00h 100M 3800K 127K 11
Click on the building to see a bigger image.

Requirements Buildings

Requirements Buildings are special buildings that serve only two functions, to upgrade Harmony Grove and to boost the Bars Ch20 bars.png production.

Violin Ensemble

Gives More Expression to the Melody emanating from the Harmony Grove, enchanting the magical powers of Luania´s ritual.


The purpose of the Violin Ensemble is to give Melody Ch20 melody.png.
Melody is used to upgrade the Harmony Grove.

Note: Requirements are not stackable, this means that when you use the Requirements to upgrade the Harmony Grove, they "get lost" and you have to build more Requirements Buildings to continue upgrading your Harmony Grove!

To be able to build the Violin Ensemble you must unlock its technology in the Research Tree and spend the resources for its construction, it needs to be connected directly or indirectly to the Harmony Grove. There is no limit to the number of buildings you can build in the city, it can not be upgraded, it can be sold and rebuilt. Each building constructed adds a percentage bonus to the Bars Ch20 bars.png production, the bonuses can be cumulative.

Violine Ensemble Overview
Violin Ensemble Information
Building Requirements Costs Benefits
Size Construction Time Supplies Orcs Divine Seeds Plucked Violins Refined Ascended Goods Melody Bars
B Ch20 Production4 1 0000.png 6x4 18:00h 3800K 54000 127K 138 250K 1 40%
Click on the building to see a bigger image.

Flute Ensemble

Adds accompaniment to Luania´s voice, further amplifying the magical powers of her ritual.


The purpose of the Flute Ensemble is to give Accompaniment Ch20 accompaniment.png.
Accompaniment is used to upgrade the Harmony Grove.

Note: Requirements are not stackable, this means that when you use the Requirements to upgrade the Harmony Grove, they "get lost" and you have to build more Requirements Buildings to continue upgrading your Harmony Grove!

To be able to build the Flute Ensemble you must unlock its technology in the Research Tree and spend the resources for its construction, it needs to be connected directly or indirectly to the Harmony Grove. There is no limit to the number of buildings you can build in the city, it can not be upgraded, it can be sold and rebuilt. Each building constructed adds a percentage bonus to the Bars Ch20 bars.png production, the bonuses can be cumulative.

Flute Ensemble Overview
Flute Ensemble Information
Building Requirements Costs Benefits
Size Construction Time Supplies Orcs Divine Seeds Horn Flutes Precious Ascended Goods Accompaniment Bars
B Ch20 Production5 1 0000.png 4x6 18:00h 3800K 54000 127K 165 173K 1 40%
Click on the building to see a bigger image.

Drum Ensemble

Amplifies the rituals in the Harmony Grove with rhythmic sounds, rounding off Luania´s performance.


The purpose of the Drum Ensemble is to give Rhythm Ch20 rhythm.png.
Rhythm is used to upgrade the Harmony Grove.

Note: Requirements are not stackable, this means that when you use the Requirements to upgrade the Harmony Grove, they "get lost" and you have to build more Requirements Buildings to continue upgrading your Harmony Grove!

To be able to build the Drum Ensemble you must unlock its technology in the Research Tree and spend the resources for its construction, it needs to be connected directly or indirectly to the Harmony Grove. There is no limit to the number of buildings you can build in the city, it can not be upgraded, it can be sold and rebuilt. Each building constructed adds a percentage bonus to the Bars Ch20 bars.png production, the bonuses can be cumulative.

Drum Ensemble Overview
Drums Ensemble Information
Building Requirements Costs Benefits
Size Construction Time Supplies Orcs Divine Seeds Barrel Drums Basic Ascended Goods Rhythm Bars
B Ch20 Production6 1 0000.png 5x5 18:00h 3800K 54000 127K 110 380K 1 40%
Click on the building to see a bigger image.