Vzostup Eldrasilu

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Vzostup Eldrasilu

Autumn Event 2017 Banner.png

Začína byť chladnejšie, listy už pomaly menia farby a v Elvenare prší čoraz častejšie... A to môže znamenať len jedno: Prichádza jeseň! Tento rok sa mýtický strom Eldrasil zakorenil na okraji vášho mesta a kentaur zvaný Glisal vám poskytne špeciálne úlohy týkajúce sa Eldrasilu a tretieho západu mesiaca... Splnením týchto úloh môžete získať orechy, ktoré môžete použiť na otvorenie veľkých škrupín. Spadnuté orechy môžete taktiež z času na čas nájsť aj vo vašom meste. Otvárajte škrupíny a získajte exkluzívne denné alebo iné hodnotné odmeny. Otváraním škrupín taktiež získate výhonky potrebné pre získanie hlavných cien. Samozrejme, čím lepšie škrupiny otvoríte, tým viac výhonkov získate! A kto by vo svojom meste nechcel tieto úžasné nové budovy?


Event Menu

During the Eldrasil' Ascending event you will get two new and exclusive quest lines. But take notice they will only be available for a short time! The first quest line is the daily Eldrasil' Ascending quest which will give you random tasks to complete. The second quest line is the episodic Event quest which will give you a specific task. Each quest line will give you Hazelnuts as a reward, that are added to the Eldrasil' Ascending menu.


By clicking the Event Menu you will access the event window which will give you plenty of information and allow you to use your nuts:

  1. - Shows you the amount of nuts you have collected and not yet spent.
  2. - Allows you to buy nuts with premium currency.
  3. - Indicates the remaining time for the event to end.
  4. - Shows you the daily exclusive reward you can get from opening the Nutshells Nutshell icon.png and for how long it will be available before it is gone forever.
  5. - Here you can see how many Sprouts Sprout icon.png you have and how many you still need to unlock the Grand Prizes.
  6. - Treasure Arcs where you can spend your nuts and get Sprouts plus a random reward in return.

You can also click the Helpbtto.png button to see the help information on the Eldrasil' Ascending Event at any time!


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You start the Eldrasil's Ascending Event with 50 Hazelnuts Nutsicon.png and each event quest will give you more Hazelnuts as a reward from completing the given tasks. Also from time to time, Hazelnuts will drop at the outskirts of your city. You can collect them too.


You can then use the Hazelnuts to open the valuable Nutshells which, depending on your luck, can also give you more Hazelnuts to spend. Remember that Eldrasil's Ascending event only lasts for a few weeks, and then you will no longer be able to use your Hazelnuts to get awesome treasures, so don't waste your time!


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The Nutshells hold valuable rewards! You can win Knowledge Points, Rune Shards, Instants, Hazelnuts and even the unique and precious Daily Exclusive Reward. It all depends on how lucky you are! By opening the Nutshells you will also get Sprouts, but remember: The better the Nutshell, the more Sprouts you get. You can choose between the Small Nutshell, the Medium Nutshell or the Large Nutshell, each containing similar rewards, but with different winning odds.



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When you open a Nutshell, you will win Sprouts Sprout icon.png. Each Nutshell will immediately give you a specific amount of Sprouts, however the bigger the Nutshell, the more Sprouts you will get.

Sprouts allow you to unlock the Grand Prizes! You have three Grand Prizes available, each requiring a certain amount of Sprouts. To unlock the next Grand Prize, you will first need to collect the previous one.


After collecting the Grand Prizes, you will find them in your inventory Inventory icon normal.png under the Summonings tab.

Please note: All effects values depend on the chapter you are in at the time you add the building to your inventory.


Each day you will have an unique and precious event building as the daily exclusive. It can only be obtained by opening the Nutshells and it is only available for a limited time. Once it's gone, it's gone forever! Be sure to complete the event quests as much as possible so that you can have a chance to win all daily exclusives and make your city a real tribute for the Eldrasil's Ascending!
