Evolúcia Fénixa

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Evolúcia Fénixa

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Ako raz predpovedalo proroctvo, Kult Fénixa odkryl tri veľmi špeciálne vajcia a chce, aby ste im pomohli s ich vyliahnutím! Kult Fénixa obnovuje túto jarnú sezónu. Vajcia padajú z neba a [b] Acolytes [/b] putujú do vášho mesta, aby oslávili vzostup Fénixov.

"Proroctvo bolo predpovedané! A tu sme v [b]The Rising[/b], aby sme našli nevyliahnutých Fénixov, legendárnych, slávnych svojho druhu. Našli sme niekoľko vajec a veríme, že [b]Phoenix Fledglings[/b] zdedí neuveriteľnú silu. Musíme ich len rozvinúť.."

Lightning Phoenix

Prehľad udalosti

Počas Evolúcie budete musieť dokončiť dve úlohové línie.

Prvá úlohová línia sú sekvenčné úlohy, "Návrat Kultu Fénixa", ktorý vám dá veľa úloh na dokončenie počas podujatia. Druhá línia úloh sú denné epizodické úlohy, "Pieseň vetra a ohňa", ktoré vám dajú konkrétnu úlohu každý deň. Každá úloha vám poskytne odmenu [b]Nebeská esencia[/b] Evo19 Essence.png. Bude pridaná do vášho menu [b]Phoenix[/b]. S [b]Nebeskou esenciou[/b] môžete otvoriť rôzne truhlice, aby ste vyhrali jedinečné a vzácne Budovy udalostí! Truhlice obsahujú aj perie Evo19 feather.png na odomknutie veľkých cien!

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Kliknutím na ikonu Eventové Menu (Udalosť) sa dostanete do okna Event (Udalosť), ktoré vám poskytne množstvo informácií a umožní vám použiť Nebeskú esenciu,:

Evo19 explain.png

1 - Ukazuje množstvo Nebeskej esencie Evo19 Essence.png ktorú ste nazbierali a môžete použiť.

2 - Môžete si kúpiť Nebeskú esenciu za diamanty.

3 - Fénixove truhlice, kde môžete minúť svoju Nebeskú esenciu a vyhrať tak niektorú z cien a tiež získať pierka Fénixa Evo19 feather.png. Ukazuje, koľko Nebeskej esencie potrebujete a tiež, koľko pierok dostanete za tvorenie truhlice.

4 -Tu môžete vidieť, koľko pierok ste zhromaždili a váš postup na ceste k odomknutiu Veľkých cien!

5 - Ukazuje exkluzívnu Dennú odmenu, ktorú môžete získať otvorením truhlice a a ukazuje, ako dlho bude ešte cena dostupná.

6 - Veľkú cenu dosiahnete vždy pozbieraním 20-tich pierok.

7 - Phoenix Chick: As you collect Feathers, the cute Phoenix Chick begins to walk across the scene following the Feathers above them to the Grand Prize.

8 - Indicates the remaining time for the Event.

You can also click the Helpbtto.png button to see the help information on the Evolution of Phoenix Event.

Sky Essence

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You start the Evolution of Phoenix Event with 50 Sky Essence Evo19 Essence.png and each Event Quest will give you more as a reward for completing the given tasks. Also, from time to time, you will find more Sky Essence around your city for you to collect.

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You can then use the Sky Essence to open one of the Chests which, depending on your luck, may also give you more Sky Essence.

Remember that the Evolution of Phoenix Event only lasts for a few weeks, and after that you will no longer be able to use your Sky Essence to get awesome rewards, so don't waste time!

Rotating Chests

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There are 3 Chests to choose from! Each one gives you a chance to win the Daily Exclusive reward. Other rewards can be Ancient Knowledge Instants, Coin Rain, Supply Windfall, Time Booster, Portal Profit Instants, Rune Shards and even more Sky Essence. It all depends on how lucky you are! By opening the Chests you will also get Feathers. Remember: each Chest will offer a different number of Feathers for your Sky Essence. So choose carefully.

Once you have chosen a Chest, they will rotate and present you with a new set of Chests.

Sample Chests

Collecting Feathers

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When you open a Chest, you will win a number of Feathers Evo19 feather.png. Each Chest will immediately give you a specific amount indicated on the top left of the box.

Collecting the Feathers allows you to unlock the Grand Prizes! Each Grand Prize requires 20 Feathers to unlock it. Once you have collected your Grand Prize, you can begin to collect Feathers for the next one.

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After collecting the Grand Prizes, you will find them in your InventoryInventory icon normal.pngunder the Summonings tab.

Please note: All building values and effects depend on the chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory.

Phoenix Chick

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When you open a Chest and add Feathers to the bunting, the cute Phoenix Chick will begin to move towards your goal of the Grand Prize. This gives you a good indication how many feathers are still needed until you get the next Grand Prize.


Evolving Buildings
Fire Phoenix

In the Evolution of Phoenix event, you can win 3 new buildings on an exciting new type: Evolving Buildings. Each of these powerful Phoenix pets can be evolved through 10 stages to increase its power.

Fire Phoenix - Storm Phoenix - Aureate Phoenix

They provide Population, Culture and produce Coins for your city. As they evolve, they will produce additional resources. Also, each building has a Pet Food boost feature which, when activated, increase a particular effect.

  • Fire Phoenix Boost increases your Units Damage
  • Storm Phoenix Boost increases a Magical Manufacturing spell effect
  • Aureate Phoenix Boost increases your Boosted Goods production

For more information on Evolving Buildings go to our dedicated page on the topic.

Grand Prizes & Expring Buildings

Each day you will have a the chance to win a Daily Exclusive prize but the main aim is to win the fantastic Grand Prizes.

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This time, Grand Prizes include the essential Phoenix Artifact Instant that evolves a Phoenix to the next level. See Evolving Buildings for more information on the evolution process.

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There are more awesome Prizes to be won! You are probably already familiar with Expiring Buildings that give you special rewards.

Wishing Well

Once again the Event brings us some of our favorite Expiring Buildings. The Monument of Ancient Knowledge, for instance, gives an Ancient Knowledge 3 Instant every 48 hours and the Trading Outpost gives an exciting Portal Profit Enchantment which refills your capped Guest Race Goods! There is also the Wishing Well, that gives you a random reward every 12 hours, and the Ferris Wheel Galore, which lets you produce Boosters, Knowledge Points or Broken Shards as you wish.

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Be sure to complete all the Event Quests so that you can have a chance to win every single one of these wonderful prizes.

Pet Food
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Pet Food is a special Enchantment designed specifically to feed your Phoenix Evolving Buildings. Applied directly to the building from your Enchantments tab, it activates a Building Boost.

Win Pet Food when you complete certain Quests in the Event or look for the recipe in your Magic Academy Crafting and craft it as your Phoenixes become hungry again after their hard work to provide their boosts.

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