Čarodejnícka púť
Čarodejnícka púť
Behold! The Sorcerers' Pilgrimage is about to start! The most powerful Kings, Queens, Lords and Ladies send apprentices out from their local Sorcerers' Colleges for their great pilgrimage. The pilgrimage is a test of wisdom, cunning, willpower and endurance. You, too have the opportunity to send a few of your best apprentices on their magical journey. Support them as best as you can, earn the respect of the sorcerers' community and let the apprentices return to you with glory and treasures.
One of the young Sorcerers who you will meet in this Event is Zaphiel. He is a gifted Sorcerer who once undertook the pilgrimage himself, and since has the power to create and work with Golems. Join him on his Pilgrimage throughout the Event and, as always, grab some of the many prizes along the way!
Úlohy a miľníky úloh
In this event you will play a special Quest Line that will guide you through the Sorcerers' Pilgrimage. The first part of the Event is a classic story Quest Line, the second part is an episodic Quest Line with a new quest unlocking with every new day passed during the event.
Each Quest will give you Sorcerers' Knowledge as reward. The more quests you complete, the closer you get to unlocking Quest Milestones with additional rewards, including the new Evolving Building, the Wise Golem, that is granted once you complete the fifth Quest.
You can see your current progression in the Quest Line and towards the Quest Milestones at the bottom of the Quest window.
Additionally, you can get more Sorcerer's Knowledge through the Daily Pilgrimage Login! Visit your city daily so that you can collect 35 Sorcerers' Knowledge every day!
Menu udalosti
Sorcerers' Knowledge is automatically added to your Event Menu. It allows your apprentice to choose one of three different Beacons of Power and to travel across the map to the designated location. At the Beacons of Power, they find unique and precious rewards, including the Daily Prizes! Once you choose the Beacon of Power that you would like to move your apprentice towards, you will move a little bit closer to the final goal of the pilgrimage, the Tower of Wisdom, which holds great Grand Prizes for you!
By clicking the Event Menu icon, you will access the Event Window which will give you plenty of information and allow you to use your Sorcerers' Knowledge:
- The time left in the Event
- The amount of Sorcerers' Knowledge you have collected and not yet spent
- Allows you to buy extra Sorcerers' Knowledge with Diamonds
- Your apprentice on their Pilgrimage
- Three Beacons of Power where you can choose to spend your Sorcerers' Knowledge
- Daily Exclusive reward you can win at the Beacons and the time it is still available
- Grand Prize to be won as your apprentice finishes their Pilgrimage upon reaching the Tower of Wisdom
- Your apprentice's Pilgrimage progress towards the Grand Prize
You can also click the button to see additional help information on the Sorcerers' Pilgrimage event.
Čarodejnícke vedomosti
You start the Sorcerers' Pilgrimage with 50 Sorcerers' Knowledge and every quest in the event gives you more when completed. Use it to choose one of three different Beacons of Power for your apprentice to move towards. Also, from time to time, you will find more Sorcerers' Knowledge on the outskirts of your city for you to collect, or find them as one of many rewards in the Beacons of Power.
Additionally, you will receive 35 Sorcerer's Knowledge if you visit your city each day and collect the Daily Pilgrimage Reward!
Majáky moci
Budete mať na výber tri rôzne majáky moci. Akonáhle vyberiete požadovaný maják moci, dá vám silnú odmenu, možno aj aktuálnu dennú exkluzívnu cenu! Za každý dosiahnutý maják sily sa dostanete trochu bližšie ku koncu púte. Keď ste cestovali dosť ďaleko na to, aby ste sa dostali k veži múdrosti, váš učeň bude môcť pre vás získať ďalšiu hlavnú cenu!
Po získaní akýchkoľvek budov, denných exkluzívnych cien a hlavných cien ich nájdete vo svojom inventáry
Poznámka: Všetky hodnoty a efekty budov závisia od kapitoly, v ktorej sa nachádzate v čase, keď budovy pridáte do svojho inventára. |
Keď použijete vedomosti čarodejníkov vo vami zvolenom majáku, učeň sa začne pohybovať smerom k priradenému miestu. To vás ešte viac priblíži k úžasným Hlavným cenám.
Vyvíjajúce sa budovy
Múdry Golem je vyvíjacou sa budovou na tomto podujatí! Pridá sa do vášho inventára po dokončení piatej úlohy podujatia a zhromaždíte ho ako odmenu za Miľník úlohy. Môže sa vyvinúť v 10 etapách, aby sa zvýšila jeho sila.
Múdry Golem poskytuje rôzne zdroje pre vaše mesto, vrátane populácie, kultúry a zásob. Ako sa múdry golem vyvíja, začne vyrábať ďalšie zdroje, ako napríklad Magický tovar, Mannu (akonáhle je dosiahnutá kapitola Lesní elfovia) a dokonca aj magické jednotky, ak vyvíjate svojho golema do vyšších stupňov.
Pre viac informácii o vyvíjajúcich sa budov navštívte túto stránku.
Hlavné ceny a denné odmeny
Každý deň budete mať možnosť vyhrať dennú exkluzívnu cenu, ale skutočným cieľom tejto udalosti je vyhrať fantastické hlavné ceny. Na čarodejníckej púti sa budete chcieť zamerať na artefakty Golema, ktoré sa používajú na vývoj vášho múdreho golema:
Pozri Vyvíjajúce sa budovy pre viac informácii o procese vývoja.
Ale to nie je všetko, pretože v majákoch moci sú ukryté ďalšie úžasné ceny vrátane Bonusov, Očarovaní, Vedomostných bodov, Okamžitých jednotiek a nových exkluzívnych budov udalosti.