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Forumann frames may2021.png

Škriatkovia zničili rozprávkovú čarovnú záhradu. Za trest urobila zo všetkých škriatkov roztomilé malé nadýchané stvorenia a sú v PANIKE - nemôžu byť roztomilí navždy, to by bolo hrozné! Víla súhlasila, že ich vráti do normálu pod podmienkou, že najskôr upravia jej záhradu. Aby to mohli urobiť, musia získať špeciálne semienka, ktoré sa nachádzajú iba hlboko v lese.

Úlohy a miľníky úloh

Línia úloh sa skladá z časti príbehu a ďalších epizódnych úloh, ktoré sa začnú hneď po dokončení príbehu. To znamená, že budete môcť dokončiť prvú sériu úloh hneď, zatiaľ čo v neskorších úlohách budú denné úlohy, čo vám umožní pokračovať v hraní jednej ďalšej úlohy každý deň.

Riešenie úloh udalostí ma tiež ďalšie výhody, pretože každá splnená úloha Vás posunie bližšie k jednému z miľníkov, ktorý Vám poskytne ďalšie odmeny.

May2021 quest progress.png

Menu Udalosti

Za každú splnenú úlohu získate Bronzové Lopatky Bronze Shovels.png. Automaticky sa pridajú do ponuky udalostí. S bronzovými lopatkami môžete otvárať rozprávkové semienka a vyhrať vzácne a jedinečné budovy udalostí a ďalšie predmety. Otvorenie Rozprávkového semienka vám tiež umožní získať Začarované kvety Enchanted Flower.png za postup k Hlavným cenám, ale to nie je všetko!

Na tohtoročnej májovej udalosti sa pri otvorení Rozprávkového semienka pridá k počítadlu Špeciálnych síl, akonáhle nazbierate požadované množstvo, môžete ho potom použiť na aktiváciu Špeciálnych síl na ďalšie otočenie hracej dosky vo váš prospech!

May2021 EventButton.png

Kliknutím na ikonu Menu udalostí sa dostanete do okna udalostí, ktoré vám poskytne veľa informácií a umožní vám vložiť poštové kľúče, ktoré ste zhromaždili na použitie:

May2021 Explain.png
  1. The time remaining until the event ends.
  2. The current Grand Prize you are working towards and a preview of the next ones to come.
  3. Your Daily Exclusive Prize. Hover over the building for its description.
  4. The amount of Bronze Shovels Bronze Shovels.png you have collected and not yet spent.
  5. Allows you to buy Bronze Shovels with Premium currency.
  6. Displays how many Enchanted Flowers Enchanted Flower.png have been delivered and shows current progress towards unlocking the Grand Prizes.
  7. The Garden : Use the Enchanted Flowers to decorate your garden and unlock amazing Grand Prizes.
  8. Fairy Seeds which you can open with Bronze Shovels to win a reward and obtain Enchanted Flowers and Seeds.
  9. Special Powers: "Reveal Two" and "Double Reward" - When the required number of Fairy Seeds have been opened, you can use these to reveal two random rewards or double the reward in the next Fairy Seed opened. "Shuffle" can be activated using Bronze Shovels whenever you want to get a new set of Fairy Seeds.

You can also click the Helpbtto.png button to see the help information on the May 2021

Bronze Shovels

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You start the May event with 50 Bronze Shovels Bronze Shovels.png and each Event Quest will give you more as a reward for completing the given tasks. Every day you play during the Event, you will receive a Daily May login reward of 45 Bronze Shovels Bronze Shovels.png.

May2021 daily login.png

Also, from time to time, you will find more Bronze Shovels around your city outskirts for you to collect.

May2021 City collect.png

You can then use the Bronze Shovels to open Fairy Seeds. Additional Bronze Shovels are unlocked upon reaching the third Quest Milestone.

Remember that the May event only lasts for a few weeks, and after that you will no longer be able to use your Bronze Shovels to open Fairy Seeds and earn awesome rewards, so don't waste time!

Fairy Seeds

Each day in the May event starts with a total of 16 locked Fairy Seeds that are just waiting for you to open them, using Bronze Shovels. At the start of each day, you will be presented with a new selection of rewards hidden within the Fairy Seeds. To give you an idea of what you can win, the rewards are visible at first but you must "Shuffle" them before you open the doors to claim them.

May2021 Postal boxes.png

You can activate a manual "Shuffle" at any point in time, given you have the required 45 Bronze Shovels .


Use your Bronze Shovels to open a Fairy Seed. Each one will give you an Enchanted Flower plus one of many different rewards like the changing Daily Exclusives, Instants, Knowledge Points, Rune Shards, special Buildings or more Bronze Shovels.

Hint:If you have already found the prizes you were looking for, using the Shuffle button to get a new set of closed doors might be a good strategy.

Special Powers

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Each time you open a Fairy Seed, 1 Seed is added to the Special Powers counter. Once you have gathered the required amount you can then use the respective Power to further increase your odds!

There are 3 Special Powers you can use:
May2021 special1.png
Reshuffle - At the cost of 45 Bronze Shovels it presents you with new rewards, closes all previously opened Fairy Seeds and allows you to "shuffle" them again.
May2021 special2.png
2x - Doubles up the rewards in the next Fairy Seed that is opened after activation.
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Magnifier - Shows the contents of two, as yet unopened, Fairy Seeds.
Please Note:You cannot continue to collect additional Seeds if a Special Power is ready to use. Only after a Power has been used will the counter start increasing again with each new door opened.

Enchanted Flowers

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Each time you open a Fairy Seed, you will be rewarded with an Enchanted Flower. If you have used the "2x" Special Power previously, you will even receive two Enchanted Flowers.

With the Enchanted Flowers, you will be able to decorate your garden. With 20 Enchanted Flowers you will have the most amaizing garden of the world of Elvenar and you will unlock a new Grand Prize !

May2021 event progress.png


Evolving Building

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A new Evolving Building is available in the May Event: the Queen Fairy’s Retreat ! This place can be evolved through 10 stages to increase its power.

Queen Fairy’s Retreat

The Queen Fairy’s Retreat provides Culture and Population and automatically produces Boosted Crafted Goods. As an additional bonus, it also provides the production of various Goods, Mana, Seeds and/or Ancient Wonder Knowledge. As it evolves, you will receive higher amounts of these resources.

For more information on Evolving Buildings, go to our dedicated page on the topic.

Hlavné Ceny a Denné Ceny

Každý deň budete mať možnosť vyhrať dennú exkluzívnu cenu z Rozprávkových semienok, skutočným cieľom tohto podujatia je však získať fantastické Hlavné ceny.

Ins evo may xxi.png

Medzi hlavné ceny patrí artefakt artefakt kráľovnej víl, ktorý vám umožní rozvinúť svoj Úkryt kráľovnej víl do ďalšej fázy. Ďalšie informácie o procese evolúcie nájdete v časti Vyvíjajúce sa budovy].

Ale to nie je všetko, pretože existuje viac úžasných cien, vrátane Vedomostných bodov, starovekých vedomostí, mincového dažďa, úlomkov rún a ďalších.

Po zhromaždení denných exkluzívnych odmien a veľkých cien ich nájdete vo svojom inventáry Inventory icon normal.png

Poznámka: Všetky hodnoty a efekty budov závisia od kapitoly, v ktorej sa nachádzate v čase, keď pridávate budovy do svojho inventára.
May2021 reward panel.png


Na tohtoročnej májovej udalosti, keď dosiahnete posledný miľník, získate nový Portrét.

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