Sada Budov: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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Riadok 442: Riadok 442:
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
{| style="text-align: center" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!colspan="4"|Dwarven Citadel
|colspan="4" style="text-align:center" |[[File:Dwarvenmerge2022_Building_Set.png|center|Dwarven Citadel]]
|colspan="1"|Set Bonus
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_August_XXII_Temple_of_Sun_and_Moon.png|80px|Temple of the Sun and Moon]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:Supply_small.png|25px|Supplies]] ---- [[File:Supply_small.png|25px|Supplies]] ---- [[File:Supply_small.png|25px|Supplies]]<br>'''OR'''<br>[[File:Gds1p1.png|30px|Basic Goods]] ---- [[File:Gds1p1.png|30px|Basic Goods]] ---- [[File:Gds1p1.png|30px|Basic Goods]]<br>'''OR'''<br> [[File:Gds2p1.png|30px|Refined Goods]] ---- [[File:Gds2p1.png|30px|Refined Goods]] ---- [[File:Gds2p1.png|30px|Refined Goods]]<br>'''OR'''<br>[[File:Gds3p1.png|30px|Precious Goods]] ---- [[File:Gds3p1.png|30px|Precious Goods]] ---- [[File:Gds3p1.png|30px|Precious Goods]]<br>'''OR'''<br>[[File:Orcs.png|24px|Orcs]] ---- [[File:Orcs.png|24px|Orcs]] ---- [[File:Orcs.png|24px|Orcs]]
|Production Benefits
|[[File:Supply_small.png|25px|Supplies]] or  [[File:Gds1p1.png|30px|Basic Goods]] or [[File:Gds2p1.png|30px|Refined Goods]] or [[File:Gds3p1.png|30px|Precious Goods]] or [[File:Orcs.png|24px|Orcs]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_August_XXII_Caves_of_Dusk.png|80px|Caves of Dusk]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:good_steel_small.png|Steel]] ---- [[File:good_steel_small.png|Steel]] ---- [[File:radmortarhead.png|Barrack's Heavy Ranged units]] / [[File:granitgolemhead.png|Barrack's Heavy Ranged units]]<br>'''OR'''<br>[[File:gr7_Platinum.png|25px|Platinum]] ---- [[File:gr7_Platinum.png|25px|Platinum]] ---- [[File:radmortarhead.png|Barrack's Heavy Ranged units]] / [[File:granitgolemhead.png|Barrack's Heavy Ranged units]]
|Production Benefits
|[[File:Supply_small.png|25px|Supplies]] or  [[File:good_steel_small.png|Steel]] or [[File:gr7_Platinum.png|25px|Platinum]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_August_XXII_Gates_of_Dawn.png|80px|Gates of Dawn]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:good_planks_small.png|Planks]] ---- [[File:good_planks_small.png|Planks]] ---- [[File:heavy_melee_small.png|55px|Barracks Heavy Melee]]<br>'''OR'''<br> [[File:gr7_Gum.png|25px|Elven Tree Gum]] ---- [[File:gr7_Gum.png|25px|Elven Tree Gum]] ---- [[File:heavy_melee_small.png|55px|Barracks Heavy Melee]]
|Production Benefits
|[[File:Supply_small.png|25px|Supplies]] or [[File:good_planks_small.png|Planks]] or [[File:gr7_Gum.png|25px|Elven Tree Gum]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_August_XXII_Gaming_Lounge.png|80px|Gaming Lounge]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:good_marble_small.png|Marble]] ---- [[File:good_marble_small.png|Marble]] <br>'''OR'''<br> [[File:gr7_moonstone.png|32px|Moonstone]] ---- [[File:gr7_moonstone.png|32px|Moonstone]]
|Production Benefits
|[[File:Supply_small.png|25px|Supplies]] or [[File:good_marble_small.png|Marble]] or [[File:gr7_moonstone.png|32px|Moonstone]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_August_XXII_Moon_Vendor.png|80px|Moon Vendor]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:Supply_small.png|25px|Supplies]] ---- [[File:Supply_small.png|25px|Supplies]] ---- [[File:Supply_small.png|25px|Supplies]] ---- 1 [[File:Kpicon.png|25px|Knowledge Points]] ---- 1 [[File:Vitality_Surge.png|25px]] 5%<br>'''OR'''<br> [[File:Gds1.png|30px|Basic Goods]] ---- [[File:Gds1.png|30px|Basic Goods]] ---- [[File:Gds1.png|30px|Basic Goods]] ---- 1 [[File:Kpicon.png|25px|Knowledge Points]] ---- 1 [[File:Vitality_Surge.png|25px]] 5%<br>'''OR'''<br> [[File:Gds2.png|30px|Basic Goods]] ---- [[File:Gds2.png|30px|Basic Goods]] ---- [[File:Gds2.png|30px|Basic Goods]] ---- 1 [[File:Kpicon.png|25px|Knowledge Points]] ---- 1 [[File:Vitality_Surge.png|25px]] 5%<br>'''OR'''<br> [[File:Gds3.png|30px|Basic Goods]] ---- [[File:Gds3.png|30px|Basic Goods]] ---- [[File:Gds3.png|30px|Basic Goods]] ---- 1 [[File:Kpicon.png|25px|Knowledge Points]] ---- 1 [[File:Vitality_Surge.png|25px]] 5%<br>'''OR'''<br>[[File:Mana.png|30px|Mana]] ---- [[File:Mana.png|30px|Mana]] ---- [[File:Mana.png|30px|Mana]] ---- 1 [[File:Kpicon.png|25px|Knowledge Points]] ---- 1 [[File:Vitality_Surge.png|25px]] 5%<br>'''OR'''<br> [[File:Seed_icon.png|30px|Divine Seeds]] ---- [[File:Seed_icon.png|30px|Divine Seeds]] ---- [[File:Seed_icon.png|30px|Divine Seeds]] ---- 1 [[File:Kpicon.png|25px|Knowledge Points]] ---- 1 [[File:Vitality_Surge.png|25px]] 5%
|Production Benefits
|[[File:Supply_small.png|25px|Supplies]] or [[File:Gds1.png|30px|Basic Goods]] or [[File:Gds2.png|30px|Basic Goods]] <br>or<br> [[File:Gds3.png|30px|Basic Goods]] or [[File:Mana.png|30px|Mana]] or [[File:Seed_icon.png|30px|Divine Seeds]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_August_XXII_Golden_Wish.png|80px|Golden Wish]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:mc_hm.png|30px|Vallorian Guard]] ---- [[File:mc_hm.png|30px|Vallorian Guard]]
|Production Benefits
|[[File:mc_hm.png|30px|Vallorian Guard]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_August_XXII_Memorial_of_the_Savior.png|80px|Memorial of the Savior]]
|rowspan="3"| -
|Production Benefits
| -
{| style="text-align: center" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!colspan="4"|Ancient Promise
|colspan="4" style="text-align:center" |[[File:tile_amuni_tab4_instruction3.png|center|Ancient Promise]]
|colspan="1"|Set Bonus
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_February_XXIII_Unearthed_History1_1_0012.png|80px|Unearthed History]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]] and [[File:Sg2up.png|30px|Refined Sentient Goods]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:Sg2up.png|30px|Refined Sentient Goods]] ---- [[File:Sg2up.png|30px|Refined Sentient Goods]]
|Production Benefits
|[[File:Sg2up.png|30px|Refined Sentient Goods]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_February_XXIII_Endless_Pit1_1_0012.png|80px|Endless Pit]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]] and [[File:Sg2up.png|30px|Refined Sentient Goods]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:Sg2up.png|30px|Refined Sentient Goods]]  ---- [[File:Sg2up.png|30px|Refined Sentient Goods]]
|Production Benefits
|[[File:Sg2up.png|30px|Refined Sentient Goods]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_February_XXIII_Artifacts_of_Yore1_1_0012.png|80px|Artifacts of Yore]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]] and [[File:Sg2up.png|30px|Refined Sentient Goods]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:Sg2up.png|30px|Refined Sentient Goods]] ---- [[File:Sg2up.png|30px|Refined Sentient Goods]]
|Production Benefits
|[[File:Sg2up.png|30px|Refined Sentient Goods]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_February_XXIII_Heart_of_Asim1_1_0012.png|80px|Heart of Asim]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]] and [[File:Seed_icon.png|30px|Divine Seeds]] and [[File:AWKP_Icon.png|Ancient Knowledge]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:Seed_icon.png|30px|Divine Seeds]] ---- [[File:Seed_icon.png|30px|Divine Seeds]] ---- [[File:AWKP_Icon.png|Ancient Knowledge]]
|Production Benefits
|[[File:Seed_icon.png|30px|Divine Seeds]] and [[File:AWKP_Icon.png|Ancient Knowledge]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_February_XXIII_Gift_of_Ashni1_1_0012.png|80px|Gift of Ashni]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]] and [[File:Poison_dryad.png|30px|Poison Dryad]] and [[File:Kpicon.png|25px|Knowledge Points]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:Poison_dryad.png|30px|Poison Dryad]] ---- [[File:Poison_dryad.png|30px|Poison Dryad]] ----  [[File:Kpicon.png|25px|Knowledge Points]]
|Production Benefits
|[[File:Poison_dryad.png|30px|Poison Dryad]] and [[File:Kpicon.png|25px|Knowledge Points]]
{| style="text-align: center" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!colspan="4"|Seapectecular Aquatics
|colspan="4" style="text-align:center" |[[File:setbuildings_scrollaquatic2023.png|center|Seapectecular Aquatics]]
|colspan="1"|Set Bonus
|rowspan="3"|[[File:Orcs.png|Orcs]] ---- [[File:Orcs.png|Orcs]] ---- [[File:Orcs.png|Orcs]]
|Production Benefits
|rowspan="3"|[[File:Mana.png|30px|Mana]]  ---- [[File:Mana.png|30px|Mana]] ---- [[File:Mana.png|30px|Mana]]
|Production Benefits
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_Scroll_Aquatic_XXIII_Wavecrest_Barrier.png|80px|Wavecrest Barrier]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:Seed_icon.png|Divine Seeds]] ---- [[File:Seed_icon.png|Divine Seeds]] ---- [[File:Seed_icon.png|Divine Seeds]]
|Production Benefits
|[[File:Seed_icon.png|Divine Seeds]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_Scroll_Aquatic_XXIII_Sirens_Ballet.png|80px|Sirens Ballet]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:mc_hm.png|30px|Vallorian Guard]] ---- [[File:mc_hm.png|30px|Vallorian Guard]] ---- [[File:mc_hm.png|30px|Vallorian Guard]] ---- 1 [[File:Kpicon.png|25px|Knowledge Points]]
|Production Benefits
|[[File:mc_hm.png|30px|Vallorian Guard]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_Scroll_Aquatic_XXIII_Skyfin_Rodeo.png|80px|Skyfin Rodeo]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:Ag2+1.png|30px|Refined Ascended Goods]] ---- [[File:Ag2+1.png|30px|Refined Ascended Goods]] ---- [[File:Ag2+1.png|30px|Refined Ascended Goods]] ---- 1 [[File:Kpicon.png|25px|Knowledge Points]]
|Production Benefits
|[[File:Ag2+1.png|30px|Refined Ascended Goods]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:A_Evt_Set_Scroll_Aquatic_XXIII_Windchasers_Finale.png|80px|Windchasers Finale]]
|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
|rowspan="3"|[[File:Supply_small.png|Supplies]] ---- [[File:Coin_small.png|Coins]] ----  [[File:Coin_small.png|Coins]] ---- 1 [[File:Kpicon.png|25px|Knowledge Points]]
|Production Benefits
!colspan="4"|Please note: Resources depend on the Chapter you are currently in, if the described resource is not yet available, you will receive another resource instead.
{| style="text-align: center" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!colspan="6"|Soul Experiments
|colspan="6" style="text-align:center" |[[File:Halloween2023_BuildingSet.png|center|Soul Experiments]]
|[[File:Evolve_Arrow.png|Evolving Building Stage]]
|colspan="1"|Evolving Benefits
|colspan="1"|Set Bonus
|rowspan="5"|[[File:A_Evt_Evo_Set_Tile_Mistyforest_XXIII_Soul_Lab5_1_0006.png|80px|Soul Lab]]
|rowspan="5"|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] and [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]]
|[[File:Orcs.png|Orcs]] ---- [[File:Orcs.png|Orcs]] ---- [[File:Orcs.png|Orcs]] ---- [[File:Orcs.png|Orcs]]
|[[File:Ag2+1.png|30px|Refined Ascended Goods]]
|[[File:Ag2+1.png|30px|Refined Ascended Goods]] ---- [[File:Ag2+1.png|30px|Refined Ascended Goods]] ---- [[File:Ag2+1.png|30px|Refined Ascended Goods]] ---- [[File:Ag2+1.png|30px|Refined Ascended Goods]]
|[[File:tg_ma.png|35px|Banshee]] ---- [[File:tg_ma.png|35px|Banshee]] ---- [[File:tg_ma.png|35px|Banshee]] ---- [[File:tg_ma.png|35px|Banshee]]
|[[File:Kpicon.png|Knowledge Points]]
|[[File:Kpicon.png|Knowledge Points]] ---- [[File:Kpicon.png|Knowledge Points]] ---- [[File:Kpicon.png|Knowledge Points]] ---- [[File:Kpicon.png|Knowledge Points]]
!colspan="6"|Please note: You can only produce one of these resources at a time, as this Evolving Building has a switchable production.
|[[File:A_Evt_Set_Tile_Mistyforest_XXIII_Endurance_Trials1_1_0006.png|80px|Endurance Trials]]
|colspan="3"|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] + [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]] + [[File:tg_lm.png|30px|Cerberus]]
|[[File:tg_lm.png|30px|Cerberus]] ---- [[File:tg_lm.png|30px|Cerberus]]
|[[File:A_Evt_Set_Tile_Mistyforest_XXIII_Lanterns_of_Contemplation1_1_0006.png|80px|Lanterns of Contemplation]]
|colspan="3"|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] + [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]] + [[File:Seed_icon.png|Divine Seeds]]
|[[File:Seed_icon.png|Divine Seeds]] ---- [[File:Seed_icon.png|Divine Seeds]]
|[[File:A_Evt_Set_Tile_Mistyforest_XXIII_Mirthful_Spirit1_1_0006.png|80px|Mirthful Spirit]]
|colspan="3"|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] + [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]] + [[File:Mana.png|30px|Mana]]
|[[File:Mana.png|30px|Mana]] ---- [[File:Mana.png|30px|Mana]]
|[[File:A_Evt_Set_Tile_Mistyforest_XXIII_Spooky_Tag_Game1_1_0006.png|80px|Spooky Tag Game]]
|colspan="3"|[[File:Culture.png|30px|Culture]] + [[File:Populationadd.png|25px|Population]] + [[File:radmortarhead.png|25px|Mortars]]'''or'''[[File:granitgolemhead.png|25px|Golems]]
|[[File:radmortarhead.png|25px|Mortars]]'''or'''[[File:granitgolemhead.png|25px|Golems]] ---- [[File:radmortarhead.png|25px|Mortars]]'''or'''[[File:granitgolemhead.png|25px|Golems]]
!colspan="6"|Please note: Resources depend on the Chapter you are currently in, if the described resource is not yet available, you will receive another resource instead.

Verzia z 14:25, 24. október 2023

Winter event set

Sada Budov

Sada budov pozostáva z určitého počtu budov. Každá jedinečná sada budov môže patriť iba do jednej sady budov. Postavte ich hneď vedľa seba, aby ste zlepšili svoj skutočný potenciál! Čím viac unikátnych budov postavíte vedľa seba, tým vyšší bude ich bonus!

Môžete ich vyhrať počas udalostí. Napríklad štyri nové sady budov, ktoré sú súčasťou Zimného setu udalostí v roku 2017, sú označené indikátorom zimnej sady Winterset1.png . Tieto informácie sa zobrazujú v popisoch nástrojov, keď sa pohybujete nad novými budovami. Keď sa aspoň dve budovy zo sady navzájom dotýkajú, zvýrazní sa indikátor zimnej sady Winterset2.png

Pridaný bonus

Ak dáte budovy patriace do tej istej sady budovy priamo pri sebe, získate určité dodatočné bonusy, pretože tieto stavby majú stavebnú zručnosť. Keď je budova s nastaveným bonusom postavená hneď vedľa inej (inej) budovy z tejto konkrétnej sady, dostane bonus.

Napríklad, tu je bližší pohľad na Ľadový horský trol:

IceMountainTroll.png IMT 0bonus.png

Ľadový horský trol je dodávaný so špeciálnym pridaným bonusom. Keď je v susedstve ostatných budov patriacich do sady Zimných udalostí, získajú osobitné bonusy. Ľadový horský trol normálne produkuje iba mince, ale keď sa dotýka ostatných budov z sady Zimných udalostí má:

  1. Produkuje dodatočné zásoby (pri dotyku aspoň jednej jedinečnej budovy).
    IMT 1bonus.PNG
  2. Produkuje dodatočné mince (pri dotyku aspoň dvoch jedinečných budov).
    IMT 2bonus.PNG
  3. Produkuje dodatočné Vedomostné body (pri dotyku aspoň troch jedinečných budov).
    IMT 3bonus.PNG

Bonusy sa zvyšujú, takže keď sa dotýkajú dvoch ďalších budov, dostanete bonus za oba 1 a 2. Podrobné sumy sa zobrazia v popisoch, keď sa pohybujete nad novými budovami.

Sada budov pripojená na hlavnú budovu

Každá budova sady môže slúžiť ako portál / konektor pre ostatné budovy, ktoré sú súčasťou tej istej sady. Pripojte ho k hlavnej budove s ulicou a umiestnite svoje zostavené budovy vedľa nej. Všetky nastavené budovy budú potom mať prepojenie ulicou.

  • Jedna sada budovy musí byť pripojená k ulici.
  • Pripojená sada budov môže slúžiť ako prepojenie pre všetky priľahlé budovy tejto sady.

Príklad prepojenia sady budov:


Prehľad Sady budov

Sada budov sa skladá z určitého počtu budov. Každá unikátna sada budov môže patriť len do jednej sady budov. Vybudujte ich hneď vedľa seba a odomknite ich skutočný potenciál! Čím viac jedinečných sád budov budete stavať vedľa seba, tým vyšší bude ich bonus! Ak chcete zobraziť väčší obrázok, kliknite na obrázok budovy.

Sada budov Traja ľadoví obri
Budova Veľkosť Výhody Bonus sady
Ľadový horský trol 5x4 Mince Zásoby ----- Mince ----- Vedomostné body
Zamrznutý orkský vír 2x4 Zásoby alebo Orkovia Zásoby ----- Zásoby ----- Zásoby

alebo Orkovia ----- Orkovia ----- Orkovia

Giants Hand 4x3 Základny tovar Základny tovar ----- Základny tovar ----- Základny tovar
Zamrznutá fontána 2x3 Zásoby alebo Manna Zásoby ----- Zásoby ----- Zásoby

alebo Manna ----- Manna ----- Manna

Sada budov Fénixovho kultu
Budova Veľkosť Výhody Bonus sady
Námestie okultistov 2x3 Základny tovar Dosky ----- Železo ----- Dosky ----- Základny tovar
Uctievanie Fénixa 3x5 Crafted Goods Crystal ----- Scrolls ----- Silk ---- Knowledge Point
Chrám Fénixa 5x3 Magical Goods Elixir ----- Magic Dust ----- Gems ---- Broken Shard Production
Fénixov pavilón 2x3 Zásoby Zásoby ----- Zásoby ----- Zásoby ---- Zásoby
Fénixov maják 2x2 Mince Mince ----- Mince ----- Mince ---- Mince

Sada budov Woodelvenstock
Budova Veľkosť Výhody Bonus sady
VIP miestnosť 2x2 Obyvateľstvo a Mince Mince ---- Mince ---- Zásoby ----- Zásoby
Priestor pre šarkana 3x1 Magický tovar
alebo Manna
Magický tovar ----- Magický tovar -----Magický tovar ----- Magický tovar
alebo Manna ----- Manna ----- Manna ---- Manna
Hlavné pódium 3x4 Obyvateľstvo a Zásoby
alebo Magický tovar
alebo Manna
alebo Božská úroda
Zásoby ----- Zásoby ----- Zásoby ----- Knowledge Points
alebo Magický tovar ----- Magický tovar ----- Magický tovar ----- Knowledge Points
alebo Manna ----- Manna ----- Manna ----- Vedomostné body
alebo Božská úroda ----- Božská úroda ----- Božská úroda ----- Vedomostné body
Priestor na pogovanie 2x3 Population a Magical Goods Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ---- Magical Goods
Tanečný parket 3x3 Magical Goods Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ---- Magical Goods

Sada budov Festivalu úrody 1 a 2
Sada Chrámu úrody

Sada 1: Chrám úrody

Budova Veľkosť Výhody Bonus sady
Komplex slnečného chrámu 2x6 Obyvateľstvo a Mince Mince ---- Mince ---- Mince ----- Mince
Komplex mesačného chrámu 2x6 Obyvateľstvo a Zásoby Zásoby ----- Zásoby ----- Zásoby ----- Zásoby
Vstup do chrámu 3x1 Basic Goods Basic Goods ----- Basic Goods ----- Basic Goods ----- Broken Shard
Svätyňa hojnosti 3x3 Obyvateľstvo a Basic Goods Basic Goods ----- Basic Goods ----- Basic Goods ----- Knowledge Point
Uskladnenie úrody 3x2 Basic Goods Basic Goods ----- Basic Goods ----- Basic Goods ----- Broken Shard
Sada svätýň Slnka a Mesiaca

Sada 2: Sada svätýň Slnka a Mesiaca

Budova Veľkosť Výhody Bonus sady
Kirit, lasičí boh nočného ovocia 5x3 Population a Crafted Goods Crafted Goods -----Crafted Goods ----- Knowledge Point
Krarak, vtáčí boh slnečnej úrody 4x4 Population a Magical Goods Magical Goods -----Magical Goods ----- Knowledge Point
Kiritova svätyňa 1x1 Zásoby
alebo Magical Goods
alebo Mana
Zásoby ----- Zásoby ----- Zásoby
alebo Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods
alebo Mana ----- Mana ----- Mana
Krarakova svätyňa 1x1 Zásoby
alebo Magical Goods
alebo Divine Seeds
Zásoby ----- Zásoby ----- Zásoby
alebo Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods
alebo Divine Seeds ----- Divine Seeds ----- Divine Seeds

Sada zimnej mágie 1 a 2
[[File:WinterSet2018_1.png|650px|Zimné trhovisko]

Sada 1: Zimné trhovisko

Budova Veľkosť Výhody Bonus sady
Trhové stánky 2x3 Culture a Basic Goods Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods
Zimný trh 2x4 Culture a Crafted Goods Crafted Goods ----- Crafted Goods
Stánok s Elvenádou 3x2 Culture a Zásoby Zásoby ----- Coins ----- Zásoby
Sánkový kolotoč 3x3 Culture a Magical Goods Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Broken Shard
Vianočný stromček pokrytý srieňom 3x6 Culture a Zásoby Zásoby ----- Zásoby ----- Knowledge Point ----- Knowledge Point
alebo Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Knowledge Point ----- Knowledge Point
alebo Mana ----- Mana ----- Knowledge Point ----- Knowledge Point
Sada Snehové sovy

Sada 2: Snehové sovy

Budovy Veľkosť Výhody Bonus sady
Sovy z veže s hodinami 2x4 Population a Culture a Coins Coins ----- Knowledge Point
Stajňa snežných sov 5x2 Population a Culture a Zásoby
alebo Magical Goods
alebo Mana
Zásoby ----- Knowledge Point
alebo Magical Goods ----- Knowledge Point
alebo Mana ----- Knowledge Point
Vianočná továreň Yetiovských Santov 3x4 Population a Culture a Zásoby
alebo Magical Goods
alebo Mana
alebo Divine Seeds
Zásoby ----- Knowledge Point
alebo Magical Goods ----- Knowledge Point
alebo Mana ----- Knowledge Point
alebo Divine Seeds ----- Knowledge Point

Karnevalová sada
Karnevalová sada

Karnevalová sada

Budova Veľkosť Výhody Bonus sady
Hostinec U šaša 4x4 Culture a Elixir Magic Dust ---- Gems ----- Knowledge Points
Pochodová kapela 4x2 Culture a Supplies
alebo Magical Goods
alebo Mana
alebo Divine Seeds
Supplies ----- Supplies
alebo Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods
alebo Mana ----- Mana
alebo Divine Seeds ----- Divine Seeds
Fontána hýrivcov 3x3 Culture a Supplies
alebo Magical Goods
alebo Mana
Supplies ----- Supplies ----- Supplies ----- Supplies
alebo Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods
alebo Mana ----- Mana ----- Mana ----- Mana
Hostina 5x3 Culture a Supplies Supplies ----- Broken Shard ----- Knowledge Points
Slávnostné ohňostroje 2x3 Culture a Coins Coins ----- Coins

Plavba vzdušného obchodníka
Air Traders' Voyage
Budova Veľkosť Výhody Bonus sady
Main Docks 4x3 Culture and Crafted Goods Crafted Goods ---- Crafted Goods ---- Knowledge Point ---- Knowledge Point
Food Stand 3x3 Culture and Coins Coins ----- Coins ---- Coins
Harbor Market 3x3 Culture and Supplies Supplies ----- Supplies ----- Supplies
Repair Dock 2x3 Culture and Crafted Goods Crafted Goods ----- Crafted Goods
Trading Dock 2x3 Culture and Crafted Goods Crafted Goods ---- Crafted Goods

Návrat čarodejníkov domov
Budova Veľkosť Výhody Bonus sady
Pilgrim's Manor 3x2 Culture and Population Supplies or Basic Goods or Crafted Goods or Magical Goods or Mana
1 Basic Relics ---- 1 Handcrafted Relics ---- 1 Magical Relics ---- 1 Combining Catalyst
Pilgrim's Woodworks 4x2 Culture and Population Planks ----- Planks
Pilgrim's Stone Mason 2x4 Culture and Population Marble ----- Marble
Pilgrim's Plaza 2x2 Culture Supplies or Basic Goods or Crafted Goods or Magical Goods or Mana
Pilgrim's Forge 3x2 Culture and Population Steel ---- Steel
Pilgrim's Manor Tree Entrance 4x1 Culture and Population -
Pilgrim's Manor Fountain Entrance 4x1 Culture and Population -

Zakázané ruiny
Forbidden Ruins Set
Budova Veľkosť Výhody Výhody Sady
Forbidden Ruins 3x4 Culture a Supplies
alebo Basic Goods
alebo 30pxRefined Goods
alebo Precious Goods
alebo Mana
Supplies ---- Supplies ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Combining Catalyst

alebo Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Combining Catalyst
alebo Refined Goods ---- Refined Goods ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Combining Catalyst
alebo Precious Goods ---- Precious Goods ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Combining Catalyst
alebo Mana ---- Mana ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Combining Catalyst

Mystical Dreams 3x2 Culture a Population a Elixir Elixir ---- Elixir
Enchanted Crops 3x2 Culture a Population a Magic Dust Magic Dust ---- Magic Dust
Magic Dragon 4x2 Culture a Population a Gems Gems ---- Gems ---- Gems
Sorcerers Feast 3x2 Culture a Supplies
alebo Basic Goods
alebo 30pxRefined Goods
alebo Precious Goods
alebo Mana
Supplies ---- Supplies

alebo Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods
alebo Refined Goods ---- Refined Goods
alebo Precious Goods ---- Precious Goods
alebo Mana ---- Mana

Secluded Pond 1x4 Culture and Population

Dwarven Citadel
Dwarven Citadel
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Temple of the Sun and Moon 4x3 Culture and Population Supplies ---- Supplies ---- Supplies
Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods
Refined Goods ---- Refined Goods ---- Refined Goods
Precious Goods ---- Precious Goods ---- Precious Goods
Orcs ---- Orcs ---- Orcs
Production Benefits
Supplies or Basic Goods or Refined Goods or Precious Goods or Orcs
Caves of Dusk 3x3 Culture and Population Steel ---- Steel ---- Barrack's Heavy Ranged units / Barrack's Heavy Ranged units
Platinum ---- Platinum ---- Barrack's Heavy Ranged units / Barrack's Heavy Ranged units
Production Benefits
Supplies or Steel or Platinum
Gates of Dawn 3x2 Culture and Population Planks ---- Planks ---- Barracks Heavy Melee
Elven Tree Gum ---- Elven Tree Gum ---- Barracks Heavy Melee
Production Benefits
Supplies or Planks or Elven Tree Gum
Gaming Lounge 3x1 Culture and Population Marble ---- Marble
Moonstone ---- Moonstone
Production Benefits
Supplies or Marble or Moonstone
Moon Vendor 2x3 Culture and Population Supplies ---- Supplies ---- Supplies ---- 1 Knowledge Points ---- 1 Súbor:Vitality Surge.png 5%
Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- 1 Knowledge Points ---- 1 Súbor:Vitality Surge.png 5%
Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- 1 Knowledge Points ---- 1 Súbor:Vitality Surge.png 5%
Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- 1 Knowledge Points ---- 1 Súbor:Vitality Surge.png 5%
Mana ---- Mana ---- Mana ---- 1 Knowledge Points ---- 1 Súbor:Vitality Surge.png 5%
Divine Seeds ---- Divine Seeds ---- Divine Seeds ---- 1 Knowledge Points ---- 1 Súbor:Vitality Surge.png 5%
Production Benefits
Supplies or Basic Goods or Basic Goods
Basic Goods or Mana or Divine Seeds
Golden Wish 2x2 Culture and Population Vallorian Guard ---- Vallorian Guard
Production Benefits
Vallorian Guard
Memorial of the Savior 2x1 Culture -
Production Benefits

Ancient Promise
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Unearthed History 1x6 Culture and Population and Refined Sentient Goods Refined Sentient Goods ---- Refined Sentient Goods
Production Benefits
Refined Sentient Goods
Endless Pit 2x3 Culture and Population and Refined Sentient Goods Refined Sentient Goods ---- Refined Sentient Goods
Production Benefits
Refined Sentient Goods
Artifacts of Yore 2x3 Culture and Population and Refined Sentient Goods Refined Sentient Goods ---- Refined Sentient Goods
Production Benefits
Refined Sentient Goods
Heart of Asim 3x3 Culture and Population and Divine Seeds and Ancient Knowledge Divine Seeds ---- Divine Seeds ---- Ancient Knowledge
Production Benefits
Divine Seeds and Ancient Knowledge
Gift of Ashni 3x3 Culture and Population and Poison Dryad and Knowledge Points Poison Dryad ---- Poison Dryad ---- Knowledge Points
Production Benefits
Poison Dryad and Knowledge Points

Seapectecular Aquatics
Seapectecular Aquatics
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Bootleggers 1x1 Culture Orcs ---- Orcs ---- Orcs
Production Benefits
Hypnojelly 1x1 Culture Mana ---- Mana ---- Mana
Production Benefits
Wavecrest Barrier 1x2 Culture Divine Seeds ---- Divine Seeds ---- Divine Seeds
Production Benefits
Divine Seeds
Sirens Ballet 3x3 Culture and Population Vallorian Guard ---- Vallorian Guard ---- Vallorian Guard ---- 1 Knowledge Points
Production Benefits
Vallorian Guard
Skyfin Rodeo 3x4 Culture and Population Refined Ascended Goods ---- Refined Ascended Goods ---- Refined Ascended Goods ---- 1 Knowledge Points
Production Benefits
Refined Ascended Goods
Windchasers Finale 3x4 Culture and Population Supplies ---- Coins ---- Coins ---- 1 Knowledge Points
Production Benefits
Please note: Resources depend on the Chapter you are currently in, if the described resource is not yet available, you will receive another resource instead.

Soul Experiments
Building Size Standard
Evolving Building Stage Evolving Benefits Set Bonus
Soul Lab 4x4 Culture and Population
1 Orcs Orcs ---- Orcs ---- Orcs ---- Orcs
2 Refined Ascended Goods Refined Ascended Goods ---- Refined Ascended Goods ---- Refined Ascended Goods ---- Refined Ascended Goods
3 Banshee Banshee ---- Banshee ---- Banshee ---- Banshee
5 Knowledge Points Knowledge Points ---- Knowledge Points ---- Knowledge Points ---- Knowledge Points
Please note: You can only produce one of these resources at a time, as this Evolving Building has a switchable production.
Endurance Trials 2x3 Culture + Population + Cerberus Cerberus ---- Cerberus
Lanterns of Contemplation 2x3 Culture + Population + Divine Seeds Divine Seeds ---- Divine Seeds
Mirthful Spirit 2x1 Culture + Population + Mana Mana ---- Mana
Spooky Tag Game 2x1 Culture + Population + MortarsorGolems MortarsorGolems ---- MortarsorGolems
Please note: Resources depend on the Chapter you are currently in, if the described resource is not yet available, you will receive another resource instead.

Sada budov z Výroby

Sada magického šachu
Šachový sada

Sada magického šachu

Budova Veľkosť Výhody Bonus sady
Zlatý kráľ 2x3 Kultúra a Zásoby
alebo Magický tovar
alebo Mannna

Zásoby ---- Zásoby ----- Vedomostné body
alebo Magický tovar ---- Magický tovar ----- Vedomostné body
alebo Manna ---- Manna ----- Vedomostné body

Slnečná veža 1x4 Kultúra a Mince Mince ----- Zásoby
Plamenný rytier 1x3 Kultúra a Zásoby
alebo Magický tovar
alebo Manna
alebo Božská úroda
Zásoby ----- Zásoby
alebo Magický tovar ----- Magický tovar
alebo Manna ----- Manna
alebo Božská úroda ----- Božská úroda
Objemný opát 3x1 Kultúra a Zásoby Zásoby ----- Mince ----- Mince

Sada budov Veže Večnosti

Sada knižnice z mesačného kameňa
Spire Set

Sada knižnice z mesačného kameňa

Budova Veľkosť Výhody Bonus zo sady
Mannová rastlina 1x1 Kultúra a Manna
alebo Magický prach
Mana ---- Manna

alebo Magický prach ---- Magický prach

Živica 1x1

Kultúra a Elven Tree Gum
alebo Seeds alebo Mana
alebo Magic Dust

Elven Tree Gum ----- Elven Tree Gum alebo

Seeds ----- Seeds alebo
Mana ----- Mana alebo
Magic Dust ----- Magic Dust

Nekonečný zvitok 2x1 Kultúra a Zvitky Scrolls ----- Spell Fragment ----- Spell Fragment
Brána z mesačného kameňa 4x1 Kultúra a Cosmic bismuth

alebo Moonstone alebo Mana
alebo Supplies

Cosmic bismuth alebo Moonstone

alebo Mana alebo Supplies

Knižnica z mesačného kameňa 4x4 Kultúra a Population

a Scrolls

Spell Fragment ----- Spell Fragment ----- Spell Fragment ----- Combining Catalyst