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Amuni2024 mainbanner.png

Pod chladnou tvrdou zemou Amuni odhaľujú tajomstvá dávno pochované. Ich neúprosné vykopávky vynášajú na svetlo nevídané poklady, priťahujú duše plné šibalstva a chamtivosti. Medzi nimi sú traja bratia škriatkovia, neslávne známi v Elvenare pre svoju prefíkanú zlodejinu, ktorí veria, že sa na nich osud usmial s objavom kolosálneho drahokamu uprostred piesku.

Najbystrejší z tria, poháňaný predtuchou, umiestni drahokam do zlovestnej prázdnej štrbiny. Namiesto toho nachádza kľúč k prebudeniu starodávnej mačacej múmie z večného spánku a odhaľuje príbeh oveľa väčší ako akýkoľvek poklad.

Pripojte sa k Barchannimu a jeho ľudu pri stretnutí s touto tajomnou bytosťou, aby ste odhalili minulosť pretkanú mágiou, opatrovníctvom a božskými rozmarmi. Ako sa piesky času posúvajú, nič nezostane navždy skryté.


Barchanni je mladý polovičný amuni, ktorý v súčasnosti slúži ako skaut na základni podzemného mesta. Dlhé roky vojenského výcviku urobili z Barchanniho zdatného bojovníka. Svoj tréning prežitia využil tým, že sa pridal k prieskumným a záchranným skupinám. Na svojich ľuďoch mu záleží nadovšetko a je vždy pripravený ochotne položiť svoj život za ich bezpečnosť a blahobyt. Teraz, keď sme zachránili ich mesto, pokračujú vo vykopávkach, aby získali späť svoju dávno stratenú históriu

Úlohy a miľníky úloh

Úloha pozostáva zo sekcie príbehu a dodatočných epizodických úloh, ktoré sa začnú hneď po dokončení príbehu. To znamená, že prvú sériu questov budete môcť dokončiť hneď, zatiaľ čo neskoršie questy majú každý deň nové prírastky, čo vám umožní pokračovať v hraní jedného dodatočného questu v každý nový deň udalosti.

Riešenie úloh udalostí prichádza aj s ďalšími výhodami, pretože každá dokončená úloha vás približuje k dosiahnutiu jedného z míľnikov, ktorý vám dá ďalšie odmeny jednoducho za ich dosiahnutie.

Event Menu

Amuni2024 tab0.png

Za každú splnenú úlohu získate ProvízieAmuni Provisions.png ako odmenu. Automaticky sa pridajú do ponuky udalostí. S týmito ustanoveniami si môžete v obchode Amuni zakúpiť nástroje na kopanie, s ktorými môžete kopať ďalej a ďalej a odkrývať zakopané poklady! Pomocou týchto nástrojov na kopanie môžete vykopať a objaviť úžasné odmeny a vzácne znalosti Amuni Amuni Knowledge.png. S týmito znalosťami Amuni môžete odomknúť úžasné veľké ceny!

Amuni2022 EventButton.png

Kliknutím na ikonu ponuky udalostí sa dostanete do okna udalosti, ktoré vám poskytne množstvo informácií a umožní vám použiť zhromaždené ustanovenia:

Amuni2024 event explain.png
  1. Označuje zostávajúci čas udalosti.
  2. Zobrazuje množstvo provízií Amuni Provisions.png, ktoré ste nazbierali a ešte neminuli.
  3. Umožňuje vám nakupovať Provízie pomocou diamantov.
  4. Vykopávacie zariadenia (lopata, vetrovka a vákuová nádoba), ktoré sa používajú na odstránenie nečistôt z miesta výkopu. Umiestnite na ne kurzor myši alebo použite informačné tlačidlo („i“), aby ste videli, ako ich používať.
  5. Dlaždice nečistôt, ktoré sa pokúšate vyčistiť, aby ste odomkli odmeny. Dlaždice pokryté špinou je možné vyčistiť pomocou nástrojov na kopanie a niekedy odhalia zakopané poklady, ďalšie nástroje na kopanie alebo znalosti Amuni.
  6. Otvára obchod Amuni, ktorý vám umožňuje kúpiť si ďalšie nástroje na kopanie pomocou ustanovení.
  7. Zlaté oko Súbor:Icon GE.png: Po úplnom nabití odhalí umiestnenie odmien ukrytých prachom v aktuálne viditeľnej oblasti (viac informácií nájdete nižšie).
  8. Keď vidíte, že ste dosiahli 5/5 opakovaných poplatkov a chcete zmeniť svoju dennú cenu, stačí stlačiť tlačidlo Opakovať, potvrdiť svoj výber a uvidíte zmenu dennej ceny pre daný deň!
  9. Ukazuje vám dennú exkluzívnu odmenu, ktorú môžete získať, ak v špine objavíte zakopaný poklad. To tiež ukazuje, ako dlho bude ešte k dispozícii, kým nebude preč.
  10. Veľké ceny, ktoré získate nazbieraním 20 vedomostí Amuni pre každého. Stlačením tlačidla „Claim“ zobrazíte pruh veľkých cien a zbierate ceny, ktoré ste už odomkli.
  11. Množstvo vedomostí Amuni Amuni Knowledge.png, ktoré ste objavili z dlaždíc špiny.
  12. Ligy, umožňuje vám vidieť váš pokrok v ligách (viac informácií nájdete v spodnej časti stránky)

Môžete tiež kliknúť na tlačidlo Helpbtto.png a zobraziť pomocné informácie o tejto udalosti.

Aby sme vám pomohli odhaliť tie najvzácnejšie ceny ukryté v prachu zasypaného mesta, môžete sa spoľahnúť na pomoc Zlatého oka, ktoré vám niektoré z nich odhalí. Zakaždým, keď použijete svoje náradie na kopanie na vyčistenie prachu z mesta, dlaždíc, ktoré nemajú žiadne nástroje na kopanie, Znalosti Amunov alebo Zakopaný poklad, počítadlo Zlaté oko sa postupne nabije a keď bude plne nabité, môžete použiť je to vo váš prospech.

Keď kliknete na "Použiť", Zlaté oko vrhne svetlo na umiestnenie odmien ukrytých prachom v práve viditeľnej oblasti.


Amuni2022 tab1.png

Udalosť začínate so 100 províziamiAmuni Provisions.png a každá úloha udalosti vám dá viac ako odmenu za splnenie daných úloh. Okrem toho získate 35 provízií Amuni Provisions.png, ak navštívite svoje mesto každý deň a zbierate odmenu za dennú udalosť!

Amuni2024 daily login.png

Also, from time to time, you will find more Provisions around your city outskirts for you to collect.

Amuni2022 City collect.png

You can then use the Provisions to buy more Digging Tools. Additional Provisions are unlocked upon reaching the first Quest Milestone.

Remember that this event only lasts for a few weeks! After this you will no longer be able to use your Provisions to buy Digging Tools and earn awesome rewards, so don't waste time!

Digging Site

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Unearthing hidden treasures in a city full of dust and dirt is no easy task, but fear not, you will have the help of Barchanni and the Digging Tools to unearth the hidden rewards!

Amuni2022 Transition.png

Your goal is to explore the buried city in search of Amuni Knowledge and Buried Treasures. To do so, you advance from left to right and clear the dirt from the tiles that conceal precious treasures. Whenever at least one dirt tile is cleared by a Digging Tool in the rightmost column, a new row of dirt tiles is unlocked next to it, moving you further to the right. Use the Digging Tools strategically to clear out as many tiles as possible and collect all rewards you can find.

Amuni2024 eventprogression.png

Digging Equipment

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There are three types of Digging Tools that will help you clear the dirt:

  • Amuni2022 Shovel.png The Shovel is used to clear one dirt tile and it can only be used on tiles that are still covered by dirt.
  • Amuni2022 Bwind.png The Bottled Wind clears a single column of dirt tiles from top to bottom, unless its power is interrupted by an obstacle. It needs to be placed on a tile that was previously uncovered.
  • Amuni2022 Vvial.png The Vacuum Vial removes the dirt on all tiles directly adjacent to where it was placed. It also needs to be placed on a tile that was previously uncovered.
Amuni2022 Tools.png

Additional Digging Tools can be obtained in the Amuni Shop that is opened from the event menu. Shovel, Bottled Wind, and Vacuum Vial can be obtained separately or in bulk using various different options.

While using Digging Tools and making your way through the dirt tiles, you will uncover additional Digging Tools. You will also uncover Buried Treasures containing various rewards (including Daily Exclusives) and Amuni Knowledge that helps you unlock the Grand Prizes of the event.

Amuni Knowledge

Amuni Knowledge.png

Sometimes you will unearth Amuni Knowledge from the dirt tiles. Find and collect 20 pieces of this precious Knowledge and you will unlock the next Grand Prize.


Evolving Building

In this Event, you can win an exciting new Evolving Building - the Purring Sanctum. This powerful building can be evolved through 10 stages to increase its power.

You can collect the Purring Sanctum in the first waypoint on Grand Prizes lane, it can be evolved up to 10 stages to add new production options and also provide more of the options already added. This Evolving Building is the first of its kind to take on a rectangular design (5x3), but do not be put off by its size as it provides powerful resources for your city such as, Culture and Population as standard benefit and as production output, it provides Barracks Light Ranged Units, Refined Ascended Goods, Time Boosters and Ancient Knowledge Instants (3). However, as this building has a switchable production, you can only produce one of these resources at a time, so make sure you choose which one you want to produce for the next 24 hours. In the initial evolving stages you can only choose between Barracks Light Ranged Units and Refined Ascended Goods, but as your Evolving Building is evolved further options will be unlocked and the amount of resources already provided will be increased.

Please note: When you upgrade the Evolving Building to a new Chapter, its production will reset to the first available option, so make sure that the desired option is selected when the upgrade finishes.

Royal Prize Pass

The Royal Prize Pass is an additional feature, which can accompany any regular Event in Elvenar.

For every event step completed, you will make a step towards the next Grand Prize, and an additional Prize within the Royal Prize Pass!

In the Grand Prizes window, available from the Event screen if the Event is using the mechanic, you can see the upcoming event prizes that are waiting for you to be unlocked. Here, for every step earned from collecting Event Currency, you can unlock one of the event Grand Prizes, among which you can find various high-rarity instants, and so on.

The Royal Prize Pass adds Royal Grand Prizes, which can be collected with the regular Grand Prizes. The Royal Prize lane becomes available with purchasing the Royal Prize Pass and you can do so at any time in the event! For this event, the exclusive building that will be granted with the purchase of the Royal Prize pass is the Masta-bar Cat Café.

Grand Prizes

The Grand Prizes lane is always the most appealing because it usually contains powerful rewards to collect, such as the Artifact that allows you to evolve your Purring Sanctum to its maximum stage.

This year, in addition to the powerful and essential Artifacts, the Grand Prizes lane also contains a powerful and new Expiring Building (please see the Expiring Buildings section on this page to find out more), and also an exclusive portrait that is not available anywhere else in the game.

Súbor:Portrait evt tile amuni xxiv m1.png
You can collect it when you reach the 280 Amuni Knowledge Amuni Knowledge.png Milestone on the Grand Prizes Lane.

Daily Prizes & Buried Treasures

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Barchanni is eager to discover all the hidden treasures about this Ancient Civilization. Unearth these treasures and you will automatically get one of the possible contents of a Buried Treasure, including the exclusive Daily Prizes! This year you will have the chance to collect the Feline Feastery.

But there's much more for you at this whiskery furry event! Contents range from Knowledge Points, Rune Shards, Unit Instants, and other valuable items to the Daily Exclusive Prize of the respective day. Hovering over a Buried Treasure shows you exactly what can be contained within.

So, do not waste time and unearth all the Buried Treasures in the dirt tiles!

After collecting the Daily Exclusive rewards and Grand Prizes, you will find them in your InventoryInventory icon normal.png

Please note: All building values and effects depend on the chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory.

Expiring Buildings

This year's event introduces a new Expiring Building - the Perfect Planning Solutions, it can be obtained in the Grand Prizes lane, which in turn increases the resources production of a Settlement present in your city for as long as its effect is active.

Also, like in previous events, when you reach the last milestone reward, you will receive an Expiring Building: the Goddess of Wishes grants you a random reward every 12 hours.

GodessofWishes 2x2.png


In this event you will have the chance to participate in Leagues and win even more fantastic prizes! Amuni Knowledge Amuni Knowledge.png will not only allow you to collect Grand Prizes but also to progress up through the Leagues, whenever at least one dirt tile is clear.

There are five different Leagues you can reach: Hobby, Iron, Bronze, Silver and Gold League. Each League is limited to a number of players with the required amount of points for that League. If a league is already full, you will move to the next League down but remember, the positions on the Leagues are recalculated every hour so do not give up hope and keep digging up Amuni Knowledge to be able to progress in the Leagues also!

  • Hobby - All Players
  • Iron - Top 50%
  • Bronze - Top 20%
  • Silver - Top 5%
  • Gold - Top 1%

For the Hobby League you only need to start playing the event, as for the rest of the Leagues you need to find Amuni Knowledge Amuni Knowledge.png in order to progress through the Leagues.

Each League has a minimum amount of points that needs to be reached. The League requirements are based on the progress of all players playing the event and it is recalculated every hour, so you might notice some changes on the required points to achieve the next League.

If you hover your mouse over the Leagues icon in the event window, you will be able to see what your rank in and how much further you have to go until you reach the next League.

Leagues tooltip BC2022.png

Leagues Prizes

In Leagues there are even more fantastic prizes to be won, such as Expiring Buildings, Knowledge Points, Royal Restorations, Artifacts and even an exclusive Portrait that is not available anywhere else in the game!

Each league has a set of awesome rewards, the higher the league the better the rewards! In order to receive the rewards of the league you desire, you must be in the top ranking of that League.

At the end of the event you will see a reward window that displays your League position and the prizes you have won.

Leagues reward window.png