Hlavná budova: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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=== Hlavná budova ===
====Základné informácie====
Hlavná budova je centrum Vášho mesta, a tiež je vaším hlavným skladiskom. Väčšina budov potrebuje byť napojená na hlavnú budovu, aby mohla fungovať.

The Headquarters gives you an overview of your Kingdom and allows you to issue building and research orders. Each building level decreases the construction time of building upgrades in this village.
Kliknutím na hlavnú budovu sa Vám otvorí náhľad aktuálne produkovaných zdrojov. Hlavná budova poskytuje sklad pre mince, zásoby a štandardný, cítiaci tovar a tovar stúpnutia. Pre skladovanie tovaru žiadny limit neexistuje, to ale neplatí pre zásoby a mince. Pokiaľ chcete zvýšiť ich skladovaciu kapacitu, musíte vylepšiť hlavnú budovu.

=== The Headquarters ===
Otvorenie ponuky Hlavná budova vám poskytne prehľad o vašom uloženom Tovare. Tento prehľad je rozdelený do 3 rôznych kariet:
In the Headquarters you can build new buildings and upgrade current ones. The higher the level of the Headquarter is, the quicker the buildings are constructed or upgraded.  

The Headquarter is the key compenent for building new buildings. You will need a certain level on your warehouse to build new buildings, such as a Headquarter in level 2, before you can build the [[Barracks]] and level 3 before you can build the [[Statue]].
*Tab 1 - '''Štandardný tovar''':
*Tab 2 - '''Cítiaci Tovar''':
*Tab 3 - '''Stúpajúci tovar''':

Hlavná sála vám tiež poskytuje prehľad o vašich relikviách a zvyšovaní produkcie.
The Headquarter is available from the start of the game. There are no requirements to get this building.

====Building levels====
The maximum level of the Headquarter is 30.
{| align=center
'''Zvýšenie výroby:''' V priebehu hry získate schopnosť zvýšiť výrobu 3 štandardných z celkových 9 štandardných typov tovaru v hre. Tri typy tovaru so zvýšenou produkciou budú vybrané keď si vytvoríte mesto. Zobrazíte si ich v hlavnej budove. Pre zvýšenie výroby musíte odomknúť príslušnú technológiu v ponuke "Výskum" a zhromaždiť potrebné množstvo [[Relikvie|relikvií]] na [[Mapa sveta|mape sveta]] alebo v [[Turnaje|turnajoch]].
!Level 1 - 6
!Level 6 - 10
Keď neskôr v hre dosiahnete [[Elementáli|'''Elementálov v kapitole XII''']] a odomknete náležité technológie v Strome výskumu, budete môcť vyrábať cítiaci tovar. Tri nové posilnené tovary budú pridané v tejto a nasledujúcich kapitolách.
!Level 11 - 15
!Level 16 - 20
Keď dosiahnete [[Tímový_Duch | '''Tímový duch v kapitole XVIII''']] a odomknete príslušné technológie v strome výskumu, budete schopní vyrábať stúpajúci tovar. Z tejto kapitoly a z nasledujúcich kapitol budú uvedené tri nové vylepšené stúpajúce tovary.
!Level 21 - 25
!Level 26 - 30
{|align="center" cellpadding="1" width="100%"
|style="background-color:#af895f;|'''Pomôcka:''' Svoje posilnenie si viete zistiť aj z mapy svet. Provincie bezprostredne pri Vás na 12, 4 a 8 hodine ukazujú aké bude vaše posilnenie.
Hlavná budova je dostupná hneď od začiatku hry. Neexistujú žiadne požiadavky na získanie tejto budovy. Hlavná budova nemôže byť predaná ani prestavaná, je dovolené ju iba presúvať a vylepšovať.
Vylepšením Hlavnej budovy na novú úroveň sa zvýši:
#Kapacita pre Mince a Zásoby;
#Množstvo mincí, ktoré získate, keď Vám ich niekto daruje Susedskú výpomoc;
#Hodnota odmeny, keď ponúkate ostatným hráčom Susedskú výpomoc.
#Ďalšie body do rebríčka


====Headquarter table====
===Prehľad hlavnej budovy===
====Hlavná budova elfov====
{| style="text-align: center"
{| style="text-align: center"
!colspan="10"|Headquarters building information
!colspan="11"|Informácie o hlavnej budove elfov
||[[File:Level small.png|Úroveň]]
|[[File:time_small.png|Doba výstavby]]
! Research
|[[File:undifReso.png|30px|Required Resources]]
! Unlocks
|Kapacita [[File:coin_small.png|20px|Mince]]
!Build time<br>reduction
|Kapacita [[File:supply_small.png|20px|Zásoby]]
!Hit Points
|[[File:help_small.png|Susedská výpomoc]]<br>Odmena<br>[[File:coin_small.png|20px|Mince]]
|[[File:help_small.png|Susedská výpomoc]] <br>Efekt:<br>[[File:coin_small.png|20px|Mince]]
| -
| -
|100 %
| -
| [[Barracks]]
|95 %
|3h 53m
|4h 53m
|6h 05m
|6 <br>[[File:Ch2.png|25px|For this level on you will need to research the Advanced Main Hall]]
|7h 30m
|9h 10m
|11h 05m
|13h 16m
|10 [[File:Ch3.png|25px|For this level on you will need to research the Superior Main Hall]]
|15h 46m
|18h 36m
|21h 46m
|25h 18m
| -
| [[Statue]]
|90 %
|29h 10m
|33h 20m
|16 [[File:Ch6.png|25px|For this level on you will need to research the Dwarven Style Main Hall]]
|34h 00m
| -
| [[Wall]]
|86 %
|34h 00m
|18 [[File:Ch7.png|25px|For this level on you will need to research the Fairies Style Main Hall]]
|1d 12h
|1d 14h
|20 [[File:Ch8.png|25px|For this level on you will need to research the Orcs Style Main Hall]]
|1d 17h
| -
| -
|81 %
|1d 19h
|22 [[File:Ch9.png|25px|For this level on you will need to research the Wood Elves Style Main Hall]]
|1d 21h
|1d 23h
|24 [[File:Ch10.png|For this level on you will need to research the Sorcerers Style Main Hall in chapter 10]]
|1d 20h
|2d 3h
|26 [[File:Ch11.png|For this level on you will need to research the Halfling Style Main Hall in chapter 11]]
|2d 5h
|2d 7h
|28 [[File:Ch12.png|For this level on you will need to research the Modernized Main Hall in chapter 12]]
|2d 9h
|2d 11h
|30 [[File:Ch13.png|For this level on you will need to research the Robust Main Hall in chapter 13]]
|2d 12h
|2d 14h
|32 [[File:Ch14.png|For this level you will need to research the Evolved Main Hall in chapter 14]]
|2d 15h
|33 [[File:Ch14.png|For this level you will need to research the Evolved Main Hall 2 in chapter 14]]
|2d 17h
|34 [[File:Ch15.png|For this level you will need to research the Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 15]]
|2d 17h
|[[File:coin_small.png|20px|Coins]]<br>[[File:Mana.png|20px|Mana]]<br>[[File:Gr8_obsidian.png|20px|Obsidian]]<br>[[File:Gr8_arcaneink.png|20px|Arcane Ink]]<br>[[File:Gr8_velvet.png|20px|Velvet]]
|35 [[File:Ch15.png|For this level you will need to research the Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 15]]
|2d 22h
|[[File:coin_small.png|20px|Coins]]<br>[[File:Mana.png|20px|Mana]]<br>[[File:Gr8_obsidian.png|20px|Obsidian]]<br>[[File:Gr8_arcaneink.png|20px|Arcane Ink]]<br>[[File:Gr8_velvet.png|20px|Velvet]]
|36 [[File:Ch16.png|25px|For this level you will need to research the Advanced Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 16]]
|81:00 h
|37 [[File:Ch16.png|25px|For this level you will need to research the Refined Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 16]]
|84:00 h
|38 [[File:Ch17.png|For this level you will need to research the Optimized Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 17]]
|78:00 h
|39 [[File:Ch17.png|For this level you will need to research the Final Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 17]]
|79:00 h
|42 [[File:Ch19.png|For this level you will need to research the Prepared Main Hall in chapter 19]]
|83:00 h
|43 [[File:Ch19.png|For this level you will need to research the Optimally Prepared Main Hall in chapter 19]]
|85:00 h
|44 [[File:Ch20.png|For this level you will need to research the Inspired Main Hall in chapter 20]]
|86:00 h
|45 [[File:Ch20.png|For this level you will need to research the Deeply Inspired Main Hall in chapter 20]]
|87:00 h
====Hlavná budova ľudí====
{| style="text-align: center"
!colspan="11"|Informácie o hlavnej budove ľudí
||[[File:Level small.png|Úroveň]]
|[[File:time_small.png|Doba výstavby]]
|[[File:undifReso.png|30px|Required Resources]]
|Kapacita [[File:coin_small.png|20px|Mince]]
|Kapacita [[File:supply_small.png|20px|Zásoby]]
|[[File:help_small.png|Susedská výpomoc]]<br>Odmena:<br>[[File:coin_small.png|20px|Mince]]
|[[File:help_small.png|Susedská výpomoc]]<br>Efekt:<br>[[File:coin_small.png|20px|Mince]]
| -
| [[Hospital]]
|77 %
|3h 53m
|4 <br>[[File:Ch1.png|25px|For this level on you will need to research the Advanced Main Hall]]
|4h 53m
|6h 05m
|7h 30m
|9h 10m
| -
| -
|74 %
|8 <br>[[File:Ch3.png|25px|For this level on you will need to research the Superior Main Hall]]
|11h 05m
| -
| [[Market]]
|70 %
|13h 16m
| -
| -
|66 %
|15h 46m
| -
| [[Tavern]]
|63 %
|18h 36m
| -
| -
|60 %
|21h 46m
| -
| -
|57 %
|25h 18m
| -
| -
|54 %
|29h 10m
| -
| -
|51 %
|33h 20m
| -
| -
|49 %
|16 [[File:Ch6.png|25px|For this level on you will need to research the Dwarven Style Main Hall]]
|34h 00m
| -
| -
|46 %
|34h 00m
| -
| -
|44 %
|18 [[File:Ch7.png|25px|For this level on you will need to research the Fairies Style Main Hall]]
|1d 12h
| Support colums
| -
|42 %
|1d 14h
| -
| -
|40 %
|20 [[File:Ch8.png|25px|For this level on you will need to research the Orcs Style Main Hall]]
|1d 17h
| -
| [[Academy]]
|38 %
|1d 19h
| -
| -
|36 %
|22 [[File:Ch9.png|25px|For this level on you will need to research the Wood Elves Style Main Hall]]
|1d 21h
| -
| -
|34 %
|1d 23h
| -
| -
|32 %
|24 [[File:Ch10.png|For this level on you will need to research the Sorcerers Style Main Hall in chapter 10]]
|1d 20h
| -
| -
|31 %
|2d 3h
| -
| [[Hall of Orders]]
|29 %
|26 [[File:Ch11.png|For this level on you will need to research the Halfling Style Main Hall in chapter 11]]
|2d 5h
| -
| -
|28 %
|2d 7h
| -
| -
|26 %
|28 [[File:Ch12.png|For this level on you will need to research the Modernized Main Hall in chapter 12]]
|2d 9h
| -
| -
|25 %
|2d 11h
| -
| -
|24 %
|30 [[File:Ch13.png|For this level on you will need to research the Robust Main Hall in chapter 13]]
|2d 12h
|2d 14h
|32 [[File:Ch14.png|For this level you will need to research the Evolved Main Hall in chapter 14]]
|2d 15h
|33 [[File:Ch14.png|For this level you will need to research the Evolved Main Hall 2 in chapter 14]]
|2d 17h
|34 [[File:Ch15.png|For this level you will need to research the Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 15]]
|2d 17h
|[[File:coin_small.png|20px|Coins]]<br>[[File:Mana.png|20px|Mana]]<br>[[File:Gr8_obsidian.png|20px|Obsidian]]<br>[[File:Gr8_arcaneink.png|20px|Arcane Ink]]<br>[[File:Gr8_velvet.png|20px|Velvet]]
|35 [[File:Ch15.png|For this level you will need to research the Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 15]]
|2d 22h
|[[File:coin_small.png|20px|Coins]]<br>[[File:Mana.png|20px|Mana]]<br>[[File:Gr8_obsidian.png|20px|Obsidian]]<br>[[File:Gr8_arcaneink.png|20px|Arcane Ink]]<br>[[File:Gr8_velvet.png|20px|Velvet]]
|36 [[File:Ch16.png|25px|For this level you will need to research the Advanced Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 16]]
|81:00 h
|37 [[File:Ch16.png|25px|For this level you will need to research the Refined Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 16]]
|84:00 h
|38 [[File:Ch17.png|For this level you will need to research the Optimized Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 17]]
|78:00 h
|39 [[File:Ch17.png|For this level you will need to research the Final Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 17]]
|79:00 h
|42 [[File:Ch19.png|For this level you will need to research the Prepared Main Hall in chapter 19]]
|83:00 h
|43 [[File:Ch19.png|For this level you will need to research the Optimally Prepared Main Hall in chapter 19]]
|85:00 h
|44 [[File:Ch20.png|For this level you will need to research the Inspired Main Hall in chapter 20]]
|86:00 h
|45 [[File:Ch20.png|For this level you will need to research the Deeply Inspired Main Hall in chapter 20]]
|87:00 h
| -
| -
|23 %

== Headquarters Research ==
===Úrovne budovy===
====Hlavná budova elfov====
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!Úroveň 45
|colspan="6" style="font-size:12px;text-align:center;"|Pre zväčšenie obrázku kliknite na danú budovu.

{| style="text-align: center"
====Hlavná budova ľudí====
!colspan="8"|Headquarters research information
{| align=center
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!Úroveň 44
!Úroveň 45
!Level Requirement
|colspan="6" style="font-size:12px;text-align:center;"|Pre zväčšenie obrázku kliknite na danú budovu.
|Support colums
|Researching this will increase this building's hit points by 50%.  

Aktuálna revízia z 19:59, 5. september 2022

Mainhall overview1.png Worker-hut.png Basic.png Streets1.png Military.png Goods.png Kultúrne budovy Awicons.png Spriatelené rasy Expansion.png
Ísť späť na: Prehľad budov

Hlavná budova

Základné informácie

Hlavná budova je centrum Vášho mesta, a tiež je vaším hlavným skladiskom. Väčšina budov potrebuje byť napojená na hlavnú budovu, aby mohla fungovať.

Kliknutím na hlavnú budovu sa Vám otvorí náhľad aktuálne produkovaných zdrojov. Hlavná budova poskytuje sklad pre mince, zásoby a štandardný, cítiaci tovar a tovar stúpnutia. Pre skladovanie tovaru žiadny limit neexistuje, to ale neplatí pre zásoby a mince. Pokiaľ chcete zvýšiť ich skladovaciu kapacitu, musíte vylepšiť hlavnú budovu.

Otvorenie ponuky Hlavná budova vám poskytne prehľad o vašom uloženom Tovare. Tento prehľad je rozdelený do 3 rôznych kariet:

  • Tab 1 - Štandardný tovar:

  • Tab 2 - Cítiaci Tovar:

  • Tab 3 - Stúpajúci tovar:

Hlavná sála vám tiež poskytuje prehľad o vašich relikviách a zvyšovaní produkcie.

All Re MH Boost1.png

Zvýšenie výroby: V priebehu hry získate schopnosť zvýšiť výrobu 3 štandardných z celkových 9 štandardných typov tovaru v hre. Tri typy tovaru so zvýšenou produkciou budú vybrané keď si vytvoríte mesto. Zobrazíte si ich v hlavnej budove. Pre zvýšenie výroby musíte odomknúť príslušnú technológiu v ponuke "Výskum" a zhromaždiť potrebné množstvo relikvií na mape sveta alebo v turnajoch.

Keď neskôr v hre dosiahnete Elementálov v kapitole XII a odomknete náležité technológie v Strome výskumu, budete môcť vyrábať cítiaci tovar. Tri nové posilnené tovary budú pridané v tejto a nasledujúcich kapitolách.

Keď dosiahnete Tímový duch v kapitole XVIII a odomknete príslušné technológie v strome výskumu, budete schopní vyrábať stúpajúci tovar. Z tejto kapitoly a z nasledujúcich kapitol budú uvedené tri nové vylepšené stúpajúce tovary.

Pomôcka: Svoje posilnenie si viete zistiť aj z mapy svet. Provincie bezprostredne pri Vás na 12, 4 a 8 hodine ukazujú aké bude vaše posilnenie.


Hlavná budova je dostupná hneď od začiatku hry. Neexistujú žiadne požiadavky na získanie tejto budovy. Hlavná budova nemôže byť predaná ani prestavaná, je dovolené ju iba presúvať a vylepšovať.


Vylepšením Hlavnej budovy na novú úroveň sa zvýši:

  1. Kapacita pre Mince a Zásoby;
  2. Množstvo mincí, ktoré získate, keď Vám ich niekto daruje Susedskú výpomoc;
  3. Hodnota odmeny, keď ponúkate ostatným hráčom Susedskú výpomoc.
  4. Ďalšie body do rebríčka

Prehľad hlavnej budovy

Hlavná budova elfov

Informácie o hlavnej budove elfov
Úroveň Požiadavky Náklady Výhody
Úroveň Veľkosť Obyvateľstvo Kultúra Doba výstavby Množstvo Required Resources Kapacita Mince Kapacita Zásoby Susedská výpomoc
Susedská výpomoc
1 6x6 0 0 0 0 0 27K 2,7K 81 270
2 6x6 34 8 10m 3.300 Coins 68K 6,8K 204 680
3 6x6 24 22 3h 53m 14K Coins 130K 13K 390 1,3K
4 6x6 33 45 4h 53m 35,7K Coins 220K 22K 660 2,2K
5 6x6 44 78 6h 05m 63,4K Coins 340K 34K 1,0K 3,4K
For this level on you will need to research the Advanced Main Hall
6x6 49 65 7h 30m 102K Coins 480K 48K 1,44K 4,8K
7 6x6 68 79 9h 10m 156K Coins 680K 68K 2,04K 6,8K
8 6x6 85 93 11h 05m 225K Coins 910K 91K 2,73K 9,1K
9 6x6 97 107 13h 16m 307K Coins 1200K 120K 3,6K 12K
10 For this level on you will need to research the Superior Main Hall 6x6 127 122 15h 46m 416K Coins 1600K 160K 4,8K 16K
11 6x6 156 137 18h 36m 553K Coins 2000K 200K 6K 20K
12 6x6 209 153 21h 46m 725K Coins 2400K 240K 7,2K 24K
13 6x6 235 168 25h 18m 927K Coins 3000K 300K 9K 30K
14 6x6 263 185 29h 10m 1160K Coins 3600K 360K 10,8K 36K
15 6x6 332 201 33h 20m 1440K Coins 4400K 440K 13,2K 44K
16 For this level on you will need to research the Dwarven Style Main Hall 6x6 154 310 34h 00m 1870K Coins 5000K 500K 15K 50K
17 6x6 304 349 34h 00m 2320K Coins 5700K 570K 17,1K 57K
18 For this level on you will need to research the Fairies Style Main Hall 6x6 345 392 1d 12h 2380K Coins 6600K 660K 18,9K 63K
19 6x6 340 439 1d 14h 2440K Coins 7700K 770K 21K 70K
20 For this level on you will need to research the Orcs Style Main Hall 6x6 489 491 1d 17h 2500K Coins 9000K 900K 23K 78K
21 6x6 549 549 1d 19h 2800K Coins 10400K 1040K 26K 87K
22 For this level on you will need to research the Wood Elves Style Main Hall 7x6 558 613 1d 21h 3000K
11900K 1190K 29K 95K
23 7x6 630 684 1d 23h 3300K
13600K 1360K 31K 104K
24 For this level on you will need to research the Sorcerers Style Main Hall in chapter 10 7x6 711 762 1d 20h 3600K
15400K 1540K 34K 114K
25 7x6 819 850 2d 3h 3900K
17400K 1740K 37K 124K
26 For this level on you will need to research the Halfling Style Main Hall in chapter 11 7x7 870 945 2d 5h 4200K
19600K 1960K 41K 135K
27 7x7 985 1051 2d 7h 4600K
22000K 2200K 44K 147K
28 For this level on you will need to research the Modernized Main Hall in chapter 12 7x7 1146 1168 2d 9h 4900K
25000K 2500K 48K 159K
29 7x7 986 1298 2d 11h 5300K
27000K 2700K 52K 172K
30 For this level on you will need to research the Robust Main Hall in chapter 13 8x7 1379 1599 2d 12h 5700K
31000K 3100K 56K 185K
31 8x7 1425 1599 2d 14h 6100K
34000K 3400K 60K 200K
32 For this level you will need to research the Evolved Main Hall in chapter 14 8x7 1570 1772 2d 15h 6500K
38000K 3800K 64K 210K
33 For this level you will need to research the Evolved Main Hall 2 in chapter 14 8x7 1997 1965 2d 17h 6900K
41000K 4100K 69K 230K
34 For this level you will need to research the Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 15 8x8 6013 5301 2d 17h 38500K
Arcane Ink
44000K 4400K 74K 240K
35 For this level you will need to research the Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 15 8x8 2198 3064 2d 22h 42500K
Arcane Ink
46000K 4600K 77K 250K
36 For this level you will need to research the Advanced Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 16 8x8 4359 7820 81:00 h 37000K
50000K 5000K 83K 300K
37 For this level you will need to research the Refined Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 16 8x8 2824 10142 84:00 h 45000K
54000K 5400K 90K 325K
38 For this level you will need to research the Optimized Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 17 8x8 7593 2924 78:00 h 33000K
65000K 6500K 100K 375K
39 For this level you will need to research the Final Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 17 8x8 8160 5416 79:00 h 36000K
80000T 8000T 120T 425T
42 For this level you will need to research the Prepared Main Hall in chapter 19 8x8 18845 7429 83:00 h 54000K
140000T 14000T 210T 700T
43 For this level you will need to research the Optimally Prepared Main Hall in chapter 19 8x8 7852 8261 85:00 h 61000K
160000T 16000T 240T 800T
44 For this level you will need to research the Inspired Main Hall in chapter 20 8x8 8196 8813 86:00 h 69000K
180000K 18000K 270K 900K
45 For this level you will need to research the Deeply Inspired Main Hall in chapter 20 8x8 9000 11000 87:00 h 79000K
200000K 20000K 300K 1000K

Hlavná budova ľudí

Informácie o hlavnej budove ľudí
Úroveň Požiadavky Náklady Výhody
Úroveň Veľkosť Obyvateľstvo Kultúra Doba výstavby Množstvo Required Resources Kapacita Mince Kapacita Zásoby Susedská výpomoc
Susedská výpomoc
1 6x7 0 0 0 0 0 27K 2,7K 81 270
2 6x7 31 8 10m 3.300 Coins 68K 6,8K 204 680
3 6X7 24 22 3h 53m 14K Coins 130K 13K 390 1,3K
For this level on you will need to research the Advanced Main Hall
6x7 34 45 4h 53m 35,7K Coins 220K 22K 660 2,2K
5 6x7 37 78 6h 05m 63,4K Coins 340K 34K 1,02K 3,4K
6 6x7 53 65 7h 30m 102K Coins 480K 48K 1,44K 4,8K
7 6x7 67 79 9h 10m 156K Coins 680K 68K 2,04K 6,8K
For this level on you will need to research the Superior Main Hall
6x7 75 93 11h 05m 225K Coins 910K 91K 2,73K 9,1K
9 6x7 107 107 13h 16m 307K Coins 1200K 120K 3,6K 12K
10 6x7 137 122 15h 46m 416K Coins 1600K 160K 4,8K 16K
11 6x7 157 137 18h 36m 553K Coins 2000K 200K 6K 20K
12 6x7 178 153 21h 46m 725K Coins 2400K 240K 7,2K 24K
13 6x7 223 168 25h 18m 927K Coins 3000K 300K 9K 30K
14 6x7 278 185 29h 10m 1160K Coins 3600K 360K 10,8K 36K
15 6x7 340 201 33h 20m 1440K Coins 4400K 440K 13,2K 44K
16 For this level on you will need to research the Dwarven Style Main Hall 6x7 254 310 34h 00m 1870K Coins 5000K 500K 15K 50K
17 6x7 283 349 34h 00m 2320K Coins 5700K 570K 17,1K 57K
18 For this level on you will need to research the Fairies Style Main Hall 6x7 281 392 1d 12h 2380K Coins 6600K 660K 18,9K 63K
19 6x7 340 439 1d 14h 2440K Coins 7700K 770K 21K 70K
20 For this level on you will need to research the Orcs Style Main Hall 6x7 489 491 1d 17h 2500K Coins 9000K 900K 23K 78K
21 6x7 549 549 1d 19h 2800K Coins 10400K 1040K 26K 87K
22 For this level on you will need to research the Wood Elves Style Main Hall 7x6 558 613 1d 21h 3000K
11900K 1190K 29K 95K
23 7x6 630 684 1d 23h 3300K
13600K 1360K 31K 104K
24 For this level on you will need to research the Sorcerers Style Main Hall in chapter 10 7x6 711 762 1d 20h 3600K
15400K 1540K 34K 114K
25 7x6 819 850 2d 3h 3900K
17400K 1740K 37K 124K
26 For this level on you will need to research the Halfling Style Main Hall in chapter 11 7x7 870 945 2d 5h 4200K
19600K 1960K 41K 135K
27 7x7 985 1051 2d 7h 4600K
22000K 2200K 44K 147K
28 For this level on you will need to research the Modernized Main Hall in chapter 12 7x7 1146 1168 2d 9h 4900K
25000K 2500K 48K 159K
29 7x7 986 1298 2d 11h 5300K
27000K 2700K 52K 172K
30 For this level on you will need to research the Robust Main Hall in chapter 13 8x7 1379 1599 2d 12h 5700K
31000K 3100K 56K 185K
31 8x7 1425 1599 2d 14h 6100K
34000K 3400K 60K 200K
32 For this level you will need to research the Evolved Main Hall in chapter 14 8x7 1570 1772 2d 15h 6500K
38000K 3800K 64K 210K
33 For this level you will need to research the Evolved Main Hall 2 in chapter 14 8x7 1997 1965 2d 17h 6900K
41000K 4100K 69K 230K
34 For this level you will need to research the Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 15 8x8 6013 5301 2d 17h 38500K
Arcane Ink
44000K 4400K 74k 240K
35 For this level you will need to research the Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 15 8x8 2198 3064 2d 22h 42500K
Arcane Ink
46000K 4600K 77K 250K
36 For this level you will need to research the Advanced Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 16 8x8 4359 7820 81:00 h 37000K
50000K 5000K 83K 300K
37 For this level you will need to research the Refined Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 16 8x8 2824 10142 84:00 h 45000K
54000K 5400K 90K 325K
38 For this level you will need to research the Optimized Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 17 8x8 7593 2924 78:00 h 33000K
65000K 6500K 100K 375K
39 For this level you will need to research the Final Elvenar Style Main Hall in chapter 17 8x8 8160 5416 79:00 h 36000K
80000K 8000K 120K 425K
42 For this level you will need to research the Prepared Main Hall in chapter 19 8x8 18845 7429 83:00 h 54000K
140000K 14000K 210K 700K
43 For this level you will need to research the Optimally Prepared Main Hall in chapter 19 8x8 7852 8261 85:00 h 61000K
160000K 16000K 240K 800K
44 For this level you will need to research the Inspired Main Hall in chapter 20 8x8 8196 8813 86:00 h 69000K
180000K 18000K 270K 900K
45 For this level you will need to research the Deeply Inspired Main Hall in chapter 20 8x8 9000 11000 87:00 h 79000K
200000K 20000K 300K 1000K

Úrovne budovy

Hlavná budova elfov

Úroveň 1 Úroveň 2 Úroveň 3 Úroveň 4 Úroveň 5
01 town hall elves 01 cropped.png 01 town hall elves 02 cropped.png 01 town hall elves 03 cropped.png 01 town hall elves 04 cropped.png 01 town hall elves 05 cropped.png
Úroveň 6 Úroveň 7 Úroveň 8 Úroveň 9 Úroveň 10
01 town hall elves 06 cropped.png 01 town hall elves 07 cropped.png 01 town hall elves 08 cropped.png 01 town hall elves 09 cropped.png Town hall elves 10 cropped.png
Úroveň 11 Úroveň 12 Úroveň 13 Úroveň 14 Úroveň 15
Town hall elves 11 cropped.png 01 town hall elves 12 cropped.png 01 town hall elves 13 cropped.png 01 town hall elves 14 cropped.png 01 town hall elves 15 cropped.png
Úroveň 16 Úroveň 17 Úroveň 18 Úroveň 19 Úroveň 20
D town hall elves 01 cropped.png D town hall elves 02 cropped.png F townhall elves 1 cropped.png F townhall elves 2 cropped.png Elvesorc1.png
Úroveň 21 Úroveň 22 Úroveň 23 Úroveň 24 Úroveň 25
Elvesorc2.png H Elves Townhall 22.png H Elves Townhall 23.png SC Mainhall Elves 24.png SC Mainhall Elves 25.png
Úroveň 26 Úroveň 27 Úroveň 28 Úroveň 29 Úroveň 30
ElvesHalf1.png ElvesHalf2.png Elves Townhall 28.png Elves Townhall 29.png Elves Townhall 30.png
Úroveň 31 Úroveň 32 Úroveň 33 Úroveň 34 Úroveň 35
Elves Townhall 31.png Elves Townhall 32.png Elves Townhall 33.png Elves Townhall 34.png Elves Townhall 35.png
Úroveň 36 Úroveň 37 Úroveň 38 Úroveň 39 Úroveň 40
Elves Townhall 36.png Elves Townhall 37.png Elves Townhall 38.png Elves Townhall 39.png Súbor:H Elves Townhall 40.png
Úroveň 41 Úroveň 42 Úroveň 43 Úroveň 44 Úroveň 45
Súbor:H Elves Townhall 41.png Súbor:H Elves Townhall 42.png Súbor:H Elves Townhall 43.png| Súbor:H Elves Townhall 44.png Súbor:H Elves Townhall 45.png
Pre zväčšenie obrázku kliknite na danú budovu.

Hlavná budova ľudí

Úroveň 1 Úroveň 2 Úroveň 3 Úroveň 4 Úroveň 5
01 town hall humans 01 cropped.png 01 town hall humans 02 cropped.png 01 town hall humans 03 cropped.png 01 town hall humans 04 cropped.png 01 town hall humans 05 cropped.png
Úroveň 6 Úroveň 7 Úroveň 8 Úroveň 9 Úroveň 10
01 town hall humans 06 cropped.png 01 town hall humans 07 cropped.png 01 town hall humans 08 cropped.png 01 town hall humans 09 cropped.png 01 town hall humans 10 cropped.png
Úroveň 11 Úroveň 12 Úroveň 13 Úroveň 14 Úroveň 15
01 town hall humans 11 cropped.png 01 town hall humans 12 cropped.png 01 town hall humans 13 cropped.png 01 town hall humans 14 cropped.png 01 town hall humans 15 cropped.png
Úroveň 16 Úroveň 17 Úroveň 18 Úroveň 19 Úroveň 20
D townhall humans 01 cropped.png D townhall humans 02 cropped.png F Townhall Humans L1 cropped.png F Townhall L2 Humans Cropped.png Humansorc1.png
Úroveň 21 Úroveň 22 Úroveň 23 Úroveň 24 Úroveň 25
Humansorc2.png H Humans Townhall 22.png H Humans Townhall 23.png SC Mainhall Humans 24.png SC Mainhall Humans 25.png
Úroveň 26 Úroveň 27 Úroveň 28 Úroveň 29 Úroveň 30
HumansHalf1.png HumansHalf2.png Humans Townhall 28.png Humans Townhall 29.png Humans Townhall 30.png
Úroveň 31 Úroveň 32 Úroveň 33 Úroveň 34 Úroveň 35
Humans Townhall 31.png Humans Townhall 32.png Humans Townhall 33.png Humans Townhall 34.png Humans Townhall 35.png
Úroveň 36 Úroveň 37 Úroveň 38 Úroveň 39 Úroveň 40
Humans Townhall 36.png Humans Townhall 37.png Humans Townhall 38.png Humans Townhall 39.png Súbor:H Humans Townhall 40.png
Úroveň 41 Úroveň 42 Úroveň 43 Úroveň 44 Úroveň 45
Súbor:H Humans Townhall 41.png Súbor:H Humans Townhall 42.png Súbor:H Humans Townhall 43.png Súbor:H Humans Townhall 44.png Súbor:H Humans Townhall 45.png
Pre zväčšenie obrázku kliknite na danú budovu.