
Zo stránky Elvenar Wiki SK
Verzia z 14:41, 9. január 2015, ktorú vytvoril Innogames (diskusia | príspevky)
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Mainhall overview1.png Worker-hut.png Basic.png Streets1.png Military.png Goods.png Kultúrne budovy Awicons.png Spriatelené rasy Expansion.png
Ísť späť na: Prehľad budov



With streets you can connect the main hall to your building. This is needed to activate the functionality of buildings. Streets do not require workers for building!

Streets Overview

Streets information
Elves Description Costs Benefit
Foothpath elves.png


Simple trail elves.png

Simple Trail

Cobbled road elves.png

Cobbled Road

Ornate street elves.png

Ornate Street