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Verzia z 16:11, 13. júl 2014, ktorú vytvoril Focusteam (diskusia | príspevky)
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This building removes your battle penalty for this province. The building level increases base morale.


Purpose Chapel

The Chapel gives all the villages in your starting province a morale bonus. When a village has belief, its troops fight at 100% effectiveness instead of 50%. The Chapel is built by default in your first village, and can only be built once.

Purpose Church

The Church gives all the villages in the province a morale bonus. When a village has belief, its troops fight at 100% effectiveness instead of 50%. It is advisable to only build new Churches in provinces where you don't have a Church or Chapel yet.


Chapel: Your first village will always have a chapel built.

Church: Can be built from your second village and forth.

Chapel/Church table

Chapel / Church building information
Level Wood.png Clay.png Iron.png Provisions.png Points Research Hitpoints
1 16,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 10 800
1 20,160 25,600 12,600 7,750 12 808
3 25,402 32,768 15,876 12,013 14 816

Building levels

The maximum level of the Chapel is 1 and maximum level for Church is 3.

Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Chapel lvl 1.png Chapel lvl 1.png Chapel lvl 1.png Chapel lvl 1.png
Press on each building level to see a bigger image.