
Zo stránky Elvenar Wiki SK
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Mainhall overview1.png Worker-hut.png Basic.png Streets1.png Military.png Goods.png Kultúrne budovy Awicons.png Spriatelené rasy Expansion.png
Ísť späť na: Prehľad budov


Základné informácie

Pomocou ulíc môžeš napojiť jednotlivé budovy na hlavnú budovu. Vďaka tomu začnú dané budovy fungovať (výnimkou sú kultúrne budovy, ktoré napojenie na hlavnú budovu nepotrebujú).

Streets tab.png


Na stavbu ulíc nepotrebuješ staviteľov, dokonca k tomu nie je potrebná žiadna populácia. Potrebuješ teda iba náklady na výstavbu.


Na začiatku budú tvoje budovy lemované chodníkmi, ktoré slúžia iba na prepojenie budov s hlavnou budovou. Popri budovaní mesta môžeš taktiež vylepšovať chodníky novými typmi ulíc. K tomu budeš potrebovať odomknúť príslušné technológie a nahradiť staré ulice. Zistíš však, že to stojí za to! Nielenže nové ulice skrášlia tvoje mesto, ale pozdvihnú v ňom aj kultúru.


Ak chceš vylepšiť tvoje ulice, nemusíš staré ulice odstraňovať, stačí iba nahradiť tie pôvodné. Pokiaľ v určitom okamžiku nemáš dostatok prostriedkov na vylepšenie ulíc, tak sa zobrazí nová ulica červenou farbou.

Poznámka: Pri predaji alebo vylepšení starých ulíc ti nebudú vrátené prostriedky, ktoré si použil na ich výstavbu.

Streets Overview

Streets Information Overview
Chapter Preview Description Costs Benefit
Flag Elves Humans Coins Supplies Resources Culture
Ch1.png Foothpath elves.png


Foothpath humans.png


A simple walkway to connect buildings with the Main Hall. - - - -
Ch1.png Simple trail elves.png

Simple Trail

Simple trail humans.png

Simple Trail

An advanced walkway that shows progress in the village. 200 50 Marble 5
Steel 5
Planks 5
Ch3.png Cobbled road elves.png

Cobbled Road

Cobbled road humans.png

Cobbled Road

A lot better than a typical trail, giving your growing town an appropriate infrastructure. 1.500 600 Crystal 10
Scrolls 10
Silk 10
Ch5.png Ornate street elves.png

Ornate Street

Ornate street humans.png

Luxury Street

A very green and aesthetic street to make your people feel close to nature even in a prosperous city. 6.000 1.500 Elixir 20
Magic Dust 20
Gems 20
Ch6.png S Elves Dwarven.png

Dwarven Street

S Humans Dwarven.png

Dwarven Street

Elven and Dwarven influences shape this elegant street. 10.000 2.500 Granite 500
Copper 10
Ch7.png Elves7.png

Blossom Street


Blossom Street

A street made of flourishing flowers, but still pretty resisting. 13.800 3.000 Sunflowers 138
Ambrosia 11
Nightshade 68
Ch8.png Orcselvestr.png

Wooden Trail


Rocky Road

So that's scientific progress - if you let Goblins do the research. We wanted to stay close to nature, but that close? 19.600Coins 3.400Supplies Hardshroom 440
Powershroom 59
Debris 4
Streets Information Overview
Chapter Preview Description Costs Benefit
Flag Coins Supplies Resources Culture
Ch9.png Woodelvesstr.png

Greenery Street

This street adds a pleasant blend of simple design and green flavour to your city 60.000 2.100 Mana 4500 95
Ch10.png Sorcererstreet.png

Lore Street

Hidden beneath the simple appearance of this street, a powerful spell lets mana flow between all buildings in your town 66.000 2.300 Mana 6.100 117
Ch11.png Halflingstreet.png

Country Lane

Simplicity is key for this street. The soft moss makes it very comfortable to walk barefooted while the trails help transporting heavy things with barrows. 71.000 2.500 Mana 8.300 144
Ch12.png Elementalstreet.png

Eternal Street

The timeless and functional design reflects the immemorial culture of the Elementals 77.000 2.700 Mana 11.200 176
Ch13.png Streets Gr8.png

Divine Street

This street is kept entirely to the taste of the divine Bastet. The floor is pleasantly warm and the material is excellent for whetting the claws 83.000 2.900 Mana 15.100 210
Ch14.png Streets Gr9.png

Enigma Avenue

A road with stylish elements that use similar materials like the Ports of the Floating Islands. 89.000 3.100 Mana 20.000
Seeds 2500
Orcs 500
Ch15.png Streets Gr10.png

Ascending Street

The street is a symbol on the way to ascension. 1500 K 150 K - 320
Ch16.png Streets Gr11.png

Union Street

This street results from the joint efforts of the Dwarves and Fairies. It's a symbol for their Union future peace. 2000 K 200 K - 385

Guest Races Streets

Guest Races Streets Information
Chapter Preview Description Costs CultureBenefit
Ch6.png Preview S Dwarfs Tracks.png

Portal Tracks

A special kind of street that connects Dwarven production facilities with the Portal where the Goods are stored. 40.000Coins 10.000Supplies 28
Ch7.png Fairies.png

Flower Lane

A special kind of street that connects Fairies production facilities with the Portal where the Goods can be stored. 66.000Coins 4.600Supplies 35
Ch8.png Orcs Swamp.png

Swamp Trail

A street built on swampy ground that makes sure Orcs do not get stuck in the mud on their (vandalizing) way to the Rally Point. 69.000Coins 4.800Supplies 43
Ch9.png WE Trail.png

Forest Stream

Follow this path deep into the woods and you might hear the gentle sounds of wind chimes, whispering the secrets of the forest. 79.000Coins 5.600Supplies 53
Ch10.png Half Street.png

Irrigation Canal

A canal that provides a steady flow of water to the Farms and Fields while also serving as a transportation route between Farms and the Spring Grove 230.000Coins 8.100Supplies 80